bid a basket

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Today was the day of the bid a basket thing. I went into doses to pick out my basket when I saw rorys boyfriend dean. "Are you Olivia?" He asked. "Yeah, and you're the famous dean," I joke. "So, who's bidding on your basket?" he asks. "Jess," I repile. "Cool, I'll see you later," he says and gets back to work. "Hi liv," jess said. I don't know if it's the fact that rorys right but jess looks so fucking good. I hate it when rory is right it kinda annoys me. When he realises that I'm daydreaming, I hear jess wisper the lyrics of a song in my ear. "I live for you. I long for you, Olivia, don't let me go, " he sang. "So you like one direction, huh?" I ask him with a smirk. "Yeah their kinda cool." he looked me up and down. "Hey, while you're having your, I don't know whether to kiss you moment. Can you move over because there's a two for one sale on super glue? " Lane said. "What? Yeah, sure, " jess and I both say.
-at the bid a basket thing.
"Now we have this charming basket from doses Market." Taylor called out. I pointed at the basket to show jess it was mine. "Now let's start the bidding on $3"
"10" I turned around and saw my ex from New york.
"$110" jess called out.
"Okay, we have 110 dollars going once going twice, SOLD! To the nice young hoodlum in the back for $110" taylor called out.
" Harry, what are you doing here?" I asked my ex."I wanted to get back together." He said. That's always the way it was with Harry Smith. He was my on again off again, boyfriend for two years. "Well, I tell you out of all the nutty barn raising shindigs this town can cook up, this ones not that bad," jess says. "Who's this?" Harry asked. "This is jess," I repiled. "And Harry, I don't want to get back together, and I think you'll know why," I say. "Okay," Harry says. He walks off and heads back to New york. "Who in gods name is that?" Jess asked. "My on again off again, ex-boyfriend," I say. "Oh," jess said. "No not oh he's a fucking cheating bastard" I say. "Oh," jess said. "Yeah, oh," I repile. "So shall we," he asks "Yeah let's go," I replied, "you spent way too much money on a basket," I said. "Well, I felt like spending a bit more than $15" jess said. "Good point," I said. A while later, we were down at the lake having our picnic. The whole time we were there, my brain kept telling me to "make a move," so I did. "Here, I'll walk you home," jess said after our picnic. We took our time walking home, but I felt like the right time was when we reached home. So I waited until I reached home. "See you tomorrow," jess said. "Yeah, see you tomorrow." we were having those. "I dont know if I should kiss you" moments again. And jess made a move. He went to kiss me. I kissed him back, and his hand wrapped around my waist. "See ya gilmore," he said, looking me up and down once more before he left. "See ya," I call back. "Hi, I'm home!" I called out. "Hey, how was your picnic?"Mom asked. "It's good yeah anyway I'm gonna take a shower," I say before running to my room.

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