diet Mountain dew.

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"Are you okay?"  "You poor thing. "That kid is trubble. " Are all the things people have said to me over the past week. "Hey, how ya holding up?" Mom asked. "Good it's just the same questions over and over like I've already told these people that I'm fine and oh my god do they do this every time something happens because if so I feel so sorry for everone in this town there all mad" I say taking a deep breath after. "Oh my days, you are so much like Luke and jess," rory says. "Okay, we have to get you out of lukes for a while," Mom says. "Why I work there?" I ask, knowing what their gonna say. "You like jess liv," rory says. "Yeah, I do," I giggle. "Really wow, I never knew," Mom says scarstaicly. The phone rang. "I'll get it," I say as I run  to the phone. "Hello?"
"Hey Olivia," jess says.
He never called me oliva before.
I know this sounds ironic because everyone's blaming him for the accident but he sounds so fucking good and I really miss him ill never admit it but yeah I do
"Hey how's new york?" I ask.
"It's good i saw this music shop that reminded me of you, and I went in, and it's like pure music heaven, and yes, they have every band you like I checked" he says.
To be honest, he can tell I'm blushing through the phone.
"I wanna come see you," I say.
"Okay, just let me know when your comming" jess replied.
"I've been reading in a park while I'm here because New york has like nothing to do."
"Central Park?"
"No, Washington square park its still pretty cool, though,"
"Sorry, but I have to go. I'm using a pay phone, and I don't have any coins left."
"Bye, jess,"
"Bye, Olivia."

The next day, I went to New york. I walked around looking for Washington Square Park, and when I found it, I saw a guy sitting on a bench. "Hey," I said. Jess turned around and saw me. "Hi," he said. We walked around until we came to the record shop. "Jess, look!" I say excited. "They have a las vinyl! Thank you so much for bringing me here. I think this was fate, " I say. "I think it was," jess replied.  I went up and paid at the counter. "Is that all for today?" Askes Harry Smith, my on again off again, boyfriend. "Yeah," I replied. "Okay, your total is $12" he says. I pay and jess and I leave the shop. "Hey, who's the guy behind the counter he looks familiar," jess asks. "He was at the bid a basket his name is  Harry he's my ex" I say. We walked around, and a while later, I had to go. "I think this is my stop," I say. "Yep, the sign says boonsevill," jess repiled. We have another "I want to kiss you, but I'm not sure" moments again. "Are you gonna come home?" I ask with tears in my eyes. "I might," jess replied. "Please think about it, and if not for Luke, please do it for me." I say
"I'll call you liv," he says.  "Okay," I sob. I get on the bus, and I hear jess ask a question. "Why did you come here?" He asks. I open the window. "What?" I ask. "Why did you come here? I mean, you ditched school and everything, and it's so not you. Why'd you do it?" He asks. "Because you never said goodbye," I said. "Bye liv,"
"Bye, jess,

When I got home, mom and rory were pacing up and down the garden "Oh thank god, you're okay!" Mom says, giving me the tightest hug I think I've ever gotten. "I went to New york," I say. "What, why?" rory asks as they follow me into the house. I sigh. "To see jess there ya happy I dont think he even likes me but I went to New york to see him and he's not coming home!" I say. "I'm sick. I have a mental problem. "  "liv, you're not  sick, and you don't have a mental problem, mabye honey. You're falling for jess," Mom says. "Mabye" I said

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