yes but which song?

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"Hey, lorelai, is liv here?" Luke asked. "Yeah, she's in her room," Mom repiled. "Hey liv, I was wondering if you could touter jess? He's having a hard time in school, and I was wondering if you could help him because you're like the only person he can have a conversation with, " Luke asked putting his head in his hands. "Yeah, sure," I said. "Thank you,"

"I have to touter jess tonight in the diner, so this is great." I say scarstaicly

"You're his friend liv, it's nice," rory said. "Wanna watch footloose?" I ask rory. "Yeah," she replied. 

Dean walked in the door. "Hi deano," I say. "Livia," he says. "Okay bye," I say, heading out the door.  I went to lukes to start my shift. "Hi liv," Luke says. "Hi," i repiled. "Is it normal to have an extremely abnormal encounter with your sisters boyfriend?" I ask Lane as she takes a seat. "I dont know why," she asked.  "I was about to tell rory that I was sorta ... like jess and Dean walked in the door, and all I said was deano, " I said in a wisper.

"Do you like jess?" She asked.
"Yeah!" I say, trying to look away from him.

"Okay, just play it cool like you are and tell him when you think the time is right," Lane said. "Okay, I'm just gonna play it cool," I said to myself.

"Do you want more coffee? I want more coffee," Mom said as rory nodded her head in agreement. "Mom, I'm gonna be fine now go ill be back at nine ten is the latest and if he convinces me to join a cult and shave my head in the meantime ill call you and you can burn him at the stake" I say washing dishes. "Okay bye," rory says. "Now ten is the maximum, right?" Mom says as she spots jess coming down the stairs. "Hi liv," he says. "Hi," I repile.  "I'll be ready in a minute," I say. "Well, be quick. The mind is a terrible thing to waste, " jess says. "Bye," Mom said. "Bye," I said.

"You ready?" jess asked. "Yeah, get your books," I say. 

"Cat ate em"

"Jess, I'm leaving unless you get your books,"
Jess walked upstairs to go get his books.
We started studying, and then I let him write an essay about Shakespeare so I could study as well. "Done," he said as he handed me the sheet. "That's not Shakespeare." I say."It's not?" He pretends to sound confused. "This is a clash song," I say. "Ah yes, but which song?" He asked."I dont know," I replied.

"Ten seconds"
"I don't know,"

"Oh, oh, the guns of Brixton," I say.

"A plus," he said. He pulled out a pack of cards. "Pick a card." Jess said. I pretended to pick a card and threw them on the floor. "Well, that just made the trick a bit harder," jess said. "Can you get ice cream?" He asked. "Ice cream," I asked. "Yeah." Jess said."The diner has ice cream. We can just use that," I said."we need cones."
Jess nodded his head. "So once we get ice cream," I said before jess cut me off. "In cones," he said. "Yeah, yeah, then will you be a perfect student for the rest of the night?" I asked, hoping he'll say yes. "Yeah," he said. "Okay, let's go," I said, and we went to go get ice cream.

"What madman eats ice cream out of a cup?" I say as we keep driving. "I know it's crazy," jess said. "Okay, serious question?"  I say. "Hit me," jess replied. "You can do anything you want I don't need to touter you it takes you what like five minutes to finish a book you don't need a touter it's just that your not conctraiting" I say. "Well, I don't want to go to college, so why waste the time in high school?" jess said. "Oh yeah, I don't want to go to college either, but still, it will help you get a job," I say. "You and rory are like the textbook deffition of 'perfect students' why don't you wanna go to college" jess asked. " Because even when I was living in New York, all dad ever talked about was college and how proud it would make my grandparents," I said, staring at my shoes. "So Courtney, what about you?" Jess asked. "What about me?" I chuckled. "What are your big ambitions?" He asked. "To live in manhatonn and open a book and music store," I say. "Wow, you gilmore have your lives planned out to a tee," jess says. "Well, during school, I have a lot of free time," I say.
"You know lukes is right up here," jess says. "I just go straight and were there, or we could go right, and we'll -"
"Go right," I say.

"Mom, don't kill me, but something happened," I say to mom on the phone. "W, what happened where you are?" She asks. "I'm in the hospital... I got in a crash, " I said, trying not to think of what she might say next. "I'll be there in a minute," she says as she hangs up the phone.
"Oh my god, are you okay, liv?" Mom and rory asked. "Yeah, I just have a hairline fracture. I'll be okay... right?" I look at the doctor, hoping I'll get a good answer.  "Did jess do this?" Rory asks. "No, we were driving, and this ball if fluff came and it was in the middle of the road and jess swerved."
"Jess was driving your car as in the one that you paid your hard earned money for," Mom said. "Yes the car has seen better days but I'm okay don't worry and jess made sure I was and then he got in the ambulance with me and then when the doctor saw me her went back to lukes" I say with tears In my eyes. "Mom, this isn't his fault. If anything, it's both of us. If ours is so when you see Luke, please do go all crazy, " I say as the doctor comes back in the room. Mom nodded her head, and we went back home. "I told you liv that kid is trubble I've dated guys like jess or even better I've pulled the whole "the world can bite my ass" bit before and that's exactly what you and jess are like" Mom says. "Mom, he's not trubble. You have to get to know him like I do, and them you might understand better," I say. "Oh yeah, I know him he acts all cool and gets into trouble, and when he gets you pregnant, see how he'll handle the situation then." Mom shouted. "Are we talking about me or you because this story sounds so fucking familiar" I say before slamming my door and crying my self to sleep.

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