Epilogue - II

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Three years later :

Jungkook is waiting patiently looking at the empty chair on the opposite side of the glass panel. He took a deep breath to calm himself so he won't explode once the person he was waiting for came. He is in the visitor's booth where Kim Minseok was imprisoned. Namjoon and Kim Beom made sure to present each and every crime of him and Mr Jeon helped them using all his influence to get him a life imprisonment.

The door opened revealing Minseok and Jungkook clenched his jaw looking at the person who tormented Taehyung all his life. Minseok on the other side too was annoyed to see Jungkook.

"Thought it would be your son?" Jungkook taunted him as if rubbing salt in his wounds. Minseok has been waiting for his son to pay a visit to him at least once. Dying to see his son fine and healthy.

"Bring my son to me. I don't want to talk to you." He barked banging his hand on the panel. "Neither do I. Just looking at you makes me want to kill you in the most brutal way possible. After all the things you did to Taehyung." Jungkook fumed.

"Just a worthless life. He would have died in his father's hands anyway. I just don't understand why everyone is dying to save him."

In that moment Jungkook wished he had a gun in his hand so he could just end that man's life before uttering another word. "Because he deserves to live. And we are all humans and not monsters like you." Jungkook replied and Minseok once again lurched forward as if he would break through the glass panel.

"Then what about my son huh? He is the kindest person on the earth. Then why he had to suffer?" He growled.

"You still don't understand? The only cause of your son's sufferings is you and your greed." Jungkook spoke. He felt really bad for Kim Beom for having such a father. He saw the male living in guilt for ruining two lives.

"Anyway.... you owe an apology for Taehyung and your son. Not that you will earn any redemption. But I want you to live the rest of your life in guilt." Jungkook said and furrowed his brows when he heard the other chuckle mockingly.

"Oh, so he sent you to get the apology from me since I refused him?"

"What do you mean? Who are you talking about?" Jungkook asked thinking maybe Kim Beom must have visited his father and he must be unaware of it.

"Your precious lover...he came to me last week... asking for an apology. Don't you know?" He laughed darkly. Yes, indeed, Jungkook doesn't have an idea about this.

So this is why Taehyung denied Jungkook's weekend date request. Now it makes sense. It was the first time Taehyung refused his chance to spend time with Jungkook. Taehyung always wants to breathe the same air as Jungkook every possible second he can.

"He said he will forgive me for everything I had done to him if I apologize... and that he doesn't want to keep hatred for someone in his heart." Jungkook is once reminded of how pure his Taehyung is. Taehyung is an angel in disguise of human form and he is lucky to have such an angel in his life.

"But I do not feel any remorse for what I did. All I did was try to save my son. I still want to do it." Minseok said breaking the final barrier of Jungkook's rage.

"But you should." He shouted. "You should feel remorse not only for Taehyung but for your son too. I came here on his request." Jungkook said as the other's ears perked up at the mention of Kim Beom.

"He asked me to relay this to you." Jungkook played a video on his phone where Kim Beom was on the hospital bed almost lifeless. "His heart needed another surgery. And the doctors said chances were very low this time." Jungkook spoke. Minseok's face became pale at those words.

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