Chapter 7

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Love is a beautiful yet complicated thing

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Love is a beautiful yet complicated thing.... 🌼🌼🌼🌼....

                                     ~Kim Taehyung


Taehyung followed Yoongi into the quiet solitude of the garden of the Kim Mansion. The night air was cool and still, the only sound being the soft rustling of leaves.

Yoongi came to a stop beneath the shadows of a tall tree, turning to face Taehyung. The moonlight cast a dim glow over both of them, enhancing the seriousness in Yoongi's expression.  

"W....Why did you call me Hyung?" Taehyung's voice wavered slightly as he attempted to maintain his composure. He gazed at Yoongi, anxiety flickering in his eyes.

Yoongi met his gaze dead on, his expression stern and unwavering. In a firm and serious tone, he responded, "Taehyung, I couldn't help but notice something off regarding you. You've been acting strangely around Jungkook. Can you explain what's really going on?"

Taehyung's heart quickened at Yoongi's straightforward question. He should have known that Yoongi would perceive the strange dynamics between him and Jungkook.

Taking a deep breath, Taehyung tried to mask his unease with a neutral expression. He averted his eyes briefly before responding, "I....I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing's off".... Taehyung's heart pounded in his chest, knowing that he couldn't deceive Yoongi with his attempt at nonchalance. The older alpha's sharp eyes spotted every little detail, and Taehyung couldn't evade his observant gaze.

Yoongi's eyes narrowed at Taehyung's response, a flicker of skepticism in his expression. He tilted his head slightly, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth as he said, "Cut the act, Taehyung. You know damn well what I'm talking about".... 

This angered Taehyung.... "Hyung see, I respect you as my hyung and I really don't wanna disrespect you or sound rude, so I am politely saying you that, stay away from my personal matters.... You guys were the one who forced me to marry him, and now as I am trying to be good with him and stay with him, you are doubting me?" Taehyung's frustration was evident in his response. He respected Yoongi, but the older alpha's interrogation only served to fan the flames of his anger. He retorted with a mixture of anger and defensiveness, "I don't need your help or advice in handling my marriage. It's my personal matter, and I'm already trying to make it work. If you're doubting me, that's your problem. Leave me and my business alone"....  

Yoongi's expression hardened at Taehyung's reply. The younger’s anger and defensiveness were obvious, and it only fueled Yoongi's own irritation.

With a scoff, Yoongi took a step closer, his eyes blazing with determination. "Your personal matter affects this family, Taehyung", he shot back, his voice firm. "Your marriage is not just some random relationship. It's a commitment, a representation of our Grandma's promise to her bestfriend as well as her last wish"....

"Why the fuck should I bear the pain of her childish promise hyung, I.... I.... Loved her.... I had to leave her because of Jungkook.... And it was not Grandma's last wish, it was her friend's.... Why they came in our life.... I hate them" Taehyung's voice rose to a shout, his anger and frustration boiling over. He clenched his fists tightly, the pain of the past still raw and fresh in his heart.

But before he could continue, Yoongi stepped forward swiftly and delivered a sharp slap across his face, silencing his words mid-sentence. The sound echoed through the garden, a stark contrast to the silence of the night.

The impact of Yoongi's slap snapped Taehyung out of his momentary rage, his eyes widening in shock. He brought a hand up to his stinging cheek, the heat prickling beneath his skin.

Yoongi's expression was stern, his eyes filled with a mixture of disappointment and concern. He took a step back, his own breath slightly ragged as he spoke firmly, "That's enough, Taehyung. Control your anger.... You are speaking nonsense.... Don't forget she was Jungkook's Grandmother, your husband's Grandmother means your grandmother too.... You need to respect her...."

Taehyung's eyes burned with a mixture of anger and defiance as he returned Yoongi's glare. Without another word, he stormed off, leaving Yoongi alone in the garden.

Yoongi watched him go, a mix of frustration and worry etched on his face. He raked a hand through his hair, his mind racing with thoughts of the growing tension within the family. 

'Am I thinking too much? It is true that we really did force Taehyung to marry Jungkook.... But his ex girlfriend was really a bitch, but we couldn't inform it to Taehyung.... he would have broke down if we did.... Maybe I am thinking too much about Taehyung and Jungkook's relationship.... They are fine.... Taehyung is trying to make it better.... I am thinking too much.... Taehyung is right.... I should not interfere in their personal matters..... My Tae is grown up now, he is not my small baby bear anymore, he has personal matters in which I should not get involved....'   Yoongi's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, each one weighing heavily on his heart. He questioned whether he had been overthinking the situation, second-guessing his concerns about Taehyung and Jungkook's relationship. The guilt and worry gnawed at him as he considered the possibility that he may have invaded their personal lives unnecessarily. He knew that Taehyung was grown up and had his own matters to handle, and yet, the nagging doubt still lingered in his mind.... Finally, Yoongi decided to push his concerns aside and vowed to apologize to Taehyung the following day.....


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My dear Lovely Bears....




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