Chapter 30

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Love twisted into hatred, regret turned to fear, revenge is just the beginning of the story untold

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Love twisted into hatred, regret turned to fear, revenge is just the beginning of the story untold.... 🌼🌼🌼🌼....

~Kim Taehyung


"Baby Bear, see who came to meet you." Jin said and Taehyung moved his head towards the direction to see that who came to visit him.   

Saying this Jin went out of the room along with others giving Taehyung some space with Jungkook.

Taehyung turned his head slowly, his eyes searching until they found Jungkook. At first, his face was blank, almost confused, as if his mind couldn't fully process what he was seeing. Then, his eyes widened, glistening with tears, and his lips quivered as he tried to speak. He struggled to push himself up, but his body was weak, trembling under the strain. 

"J....Jungkook....?" Taehyung’s voice cracked, barely above a whisper, filled with disbelief and desperation. "'re really here?" His eyes were wide, his pupils dilated as if trying to confirm the reality of the moment. His fingers twitched, reaching out shakily towards Jungkook. "K....Kookie… I… I'm....sorry" Tears began to stream down his cheeks, and he sobbed, his words choking as he spoke. "I hurt you… I hurt you so much… I tried to make it right… I wanted to make it right, Jungkook… Please… please forgive me…."         

Taehyung's tears kept flowing, his voice breaking in between sobs. He tried to lift his arm towards Jungkook, as if reaching for something precious, but his body gave out, collapsing back onto the bed. His gaze never left Jungkook, his eyes filled with a mix of remorse, longing, and childlike fear. "Please... don’t hate me... I love you... I just want you to be happy...." He sounded lost, his emotions tangled, like a child who didn't understand why everything went wrong.

Jungkook stood at the threshold, taken aback by the state of Taehyung. This was not the man who had tormented him for so long. Instead, Jungkook saw a broken, shattered version, almost unrecognizable. Taehyung looked so vulnerable, so lost in his own turmoil. A part of Jungkook felt an ache deep within, seeing someone he once loved reduced to this state. Yet, a stronger emotion within him burned, a fierce anger that Taehyung might escape all consequences by simply losing himself to his guilt and trauma.

Jungkook's eyes hardened, irrigation bubbling beneath the surface. How could someone who had inflicted so much pain on him now act so pitiful? Was this supposed to erase everything he went through? Taehyung's tears, his guilt, none of it changed what Jungkook had endured the sleepless nights, the fear, the brokenness he had fought so hard to overcome. And now, seeing Taehyung like this, behaving almost childishly, made Jungkook feel mocked in a way.

"After everything you did," Jungkook thought to himself, his gaze never wavering, "you think you can just become this… and escape it all? That you can just become fragile and I'll forgive you?"

Despite the swirl of emotions inside him, Jungkook kept his face expressionless. He glanced at Jin through the glass window, who looked at Taehyung with motherly concern. It wasn't the time to reveal his true feelings. Jungkook swallowed his anger, his face turning cold as he stepped closer, his voice flat. "You wanted to see me, didn't you, Taehyung?" He spoke, devoid of warmth, watching as Taehyung's tears spilled even more, the sight igniting a fire of revenge deep within Jungkook's chest. He watched Taehyung for a long moment, the silence between them stretching painfully. He finally took a step closer, a chilling smile forming on his lips. He leaned down slightly, his eyes boring into Taehyung's, and his voice, when he spoke, was cold and calculated, almost a whisper.

"Do you think you can just say sorry, Taehyung?" Jungkook said, his tone mocking, a bitterness underlying every word. "Do you think crying like this will make me forget what you did to me? You should know… I've thought a lot about what I would do when I saw you again. And believe me, I don't intend to forgive so easily."

Taehyung's eyes widened, fear flickering across his features, his trembling hands grasping weakly at the sheets. He looked so small, his voice stammering in response, "I… I know, Jungkook… I don't deserve forgiveness… I know I've hurt you… Just… just do whatever you want with me. I deserve it…." His voice cracked, his eyes welling with tears again, filled with both acceptance and fear.

Jungkook leaned even closer, his face inches from Taehyung's. "Whatever I want?" He repeated, his voice dangerously soft. "You really don’t understand, do you? You can’t even begin to imagine the pain you put me through." He watched as Taehyung's breath hitched, the fear growing more evident in his eyes, his face paling.

Taehyung swallowed hard, his lips trembling. "I… I’m scared, Kookie… but…. but I won't fight back. I won't…. I deserve whatever you decide…." His eyes were clouded with guilt and terror, the childish vulnerability in his expression mixed with regret. He looked utterly defeated, the person who once held so much power over Jungkook now reduced to nothing more than a scared, remorseful shell.

Jungkook felt an odd satisfaction at seeing Taehyung's fear. It was twisted, but the sight of Taehyung's vulnerability was the only thing that seemed to lessen the weight of his own pain, even just slightly. He straightened up, his gaze still locked onto Taehyung, his voice laced with a chilling finality. "Good. Remember that fear, Taehyung. Because I’m not done with you yet."

Jungkook turned on his heel, heading towards the door, his heart pounding. He paused, glancing back at Taehyung, his voice low, almost a whisper. "You think the worst is over, Taehyung?" He smirked coldly. "This is just the beginning." Taehyung’s eyes widened, terror etched on his face as the door closed.


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Love you My Dear Lovely Bears.... 



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