Chapter 22

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Our love is a twisted game, where passion turns into pain, leaving scars that run deep....🌼🌼🌼🌼....

~Kim Taehyung


As the door clicked shut, the silence in the room became deafening. Taehyung remained motionless on the cold floor, staring blankly at the space where Jungkook once stood. The reality of the situation crashed down on him like a tidal wave, overwhelming him with an unbearable weight. The only sound that broke the quiet was the ragged breath that escaped his trembling lips.

Time seemed to blur as the day slipped by, the sunlight outside dimming into dusk, then disappearing entirely. Yet Taehyung didn't move from his spot. He felt paralyzed by the crushing realization that he was truly alone. His Dad and Appa, who had always been loving him, adoring him as the youngest child of the house, left him. His own family members had distanced themselves after learning of the unforgivable way he had treated Jungkook. Jimin, his loyal and understanding hyung, had also abandoned him. Even his Yoongi hyung, who had been his protector, the one who had always shielded him from Jin and Namjoon's scolding, was gone. He had given up on Taehyung, just as everyone else had.

Taehyung dragged himself to his feet, his body aching as if he had aged years in a single day. His hands shook as he stumbled into the kitchen, barely able to see through his tear-blurred vision. The darkness seemed to close in on him, suffocating him with the heavy, inescapable guilt that gnawed at his soul. He grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge with trembling hands, the cold glass slipping slightly in his grip.

Returning to his room, Taehyung slammed the door shut, the loud bang echoing through the empty house. He locked the door, then moved to close all the windows, shutting out the world as he plunged the room into complete darkness. The only light came from the dim glow of the street lamp outside, filtering through the thin curtains.

He twisted off the cap of the beer bottle, the hiss of escaping gas sounding like a hiss of condemnation in the silence. Taehyung took a long, desperate swig, hoping the alcohol would dull the unbearable pain gnawing at his chest. But no matter how much he drank, the guilt remained, a constant, relentless ache that refused to let him go.

With every gulp, Taehyung's mind replayed the moments he had tried so hard to forget, the look of fear in Jungkook's eyes when he had raised his hands at him, the way Jungkook flinched when he came too close, the broken sobs that echoed in the night when Taehyung had left him alone in the dark. Each memory was like a knife to his heart, twisting deeper with every breath he took. 

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