Chapter 19

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In a world where time stood still, Taehyung and Jungkook found eternity in each other's arms, their love defying all bounds

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In a world where time stood still, Taehyung and Jungkook found eternity in each other's arms, their love defying all bounds.... 🌼🌼🌼🌼....

~Kim Taehyung


Taehyung's body ached and protested each movement, but he persisted, determined to fulfill Jin's task. Finally, after much struggle, he managed to clean the kitchen, leaving it in a presentable state. As he stood there, taking in the scene, Taehyung's head continued to thump incessantly, an ominous reminder of his fever and exhaustion.

A gnawing hunger gnawed at Taehyung's stomach as he hadn't eaten since the previous night. Yet, the exhaustion from his cleaning task had sapped his energy, leaving him too weary to conjure up the will to cook anything. Taehyung leaned against the kitchen counter, the room spinning slightly, as he fought the weariness and the hunger pangs.

Taehyung's body, weakened from the strain and the fever that still gripped him, finally succumbed to exhaustion. He stumbled into his room and collapsed on the bed, immediately passing out into a deep sleep.

As the day drew to a close, Taehyung remained in a deep slumber, his weakened body and high fever taking their toll. Despite his absence and condition, not a soul inquired about him, except for one. The silence hung heavily in the air, broken only by the occasional sounds of the house settling into the quiet of night.

As the clock ticked towards midnight, Taehyung stirred from sleep. He was drenched in sweat and realised that his fever, which had been stubbornly high, had finally begun to subside. Despite the relief from the fever, Taehyung was still plagued by weakness and an onslaught of dizziness. However, what worsened his condition was the intense hunger that gnawed at his stomach.

Taehyung's weak and weary body struggled with each step as he made his way down to the kitchen. It was no easy feat, as he stumbled and fell twice along the way. Yet, he persisted, his determination propelling him onward despite his physical state. Finally, he arrived at the kitchen, the room seeming to spin slightly around him.

As Taehyung walked into the quiet kitchen, his sight fell upon a plate resting in the center of the dining table. Covered by another plate, it piqued his curiosity. He slowly approached the table, his body still weak, and lifted the covering plate. To his surprise, he discovered a serving of well-cooked pasta, its aroma wafting towards him.

Taehyung gingerly lifted the plate, his mind torn between hunger and fear of being reprimanded. However, as he looked at the clock and realized it was 2:30 A.M. , he concluded that his family's dinner must have already been concluded. Perhaps it was leftover food, and they wouldn't mind if he indulged in it, he thought. With this reasoning, he took the first bite of the pasta, and his eyes immediately brimmed with tears. The taste of the handmade food by his Appa was a forgotten luxury after two days of emptiness.

Taehyung hastily finished the pasta, his tears now flowing freely as a deluge of memories flooded his mind. He sat there at the dining table, his body wracked with sobs as he recalled the moments when his Appa used to scold him for not eating his school lunch, how he would lovingly force him to eat when he whined about not being hungry while sick, and how his Appa would gently feed him when he was sleepy. The torrent of memories and emotions overwhelmed Taehyung, and he allowed himself to cry his heart out.

Memories of Taehyung throwing away Jungkook's lovingly prepared food also resurfaced in his mind. Despite the food tasting good, Taehyung had criticized it and angrily discarded it. He reflected on the fact that Jungkook had never complained, despite enduring beatings inflicted by Taehyung. Taehyung's thoughts then turned to the question of whether he would have been as cruel had he known about Jungkook's heart tumour. The realization only intensified his guilt, and he buried his face in his hands, crying even more profusely.

Little did Taehyung know that someone else was observing him from a distance as he cried. It was Jin, who had prepared the pasta for him and was waiting near the kitchen while hidden. Seeing Taehyung approach, Jin concealed himself, silently witnessing the scene unfolding before him.

Jin, too, shed tears as he watched Taehyung's sorrow from a distance. He experienced a mix of conflicting emotions - concern for his son but anger at his actions, a desire to teach him a lesson yet also the need to make him fully comprehend the weight of his transgressions. Jin's heart was filled with turmoil, torn between the role of a mother and the necessity of accountability.

Jin quietly retreated to his bedroom, leaving Taehyung to continue pouring out his sadness for another 30 minutes. Once the tears subsided, Taehyung silently made his way to the bedroom where Jungkook slept, his emotions still raw and swirling within him.


Hey everyone!

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Love you My Dear Lovely Bears....



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