Master Kenobi

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Obi-Wan turned to Cody, 

"Cody, are you ready to meet the new Jedi?"

Cody glanced at him, 

"Sir, shouldn't I be asking you that?"

Obi-Wan chuckled softly, 

"If Master Plo did not steal my padawan from me, I would have liked her to meet them right away,"

Cody chuckled, 

"Sir, I think it was Wolffe that stole her first,"

Obi-Wan chuckled, 

"That may very well be true...Come now, we mustn't keep the four of them waiting,"

Cody nodded, 

"Yes, sir,"

The two of them walked to the courtyard and spotted Anakin, Rex, Cal, and Nikki talking. 

"Hello there,"

Nikki felt her heart stop when she recognized his voice. Cal put a hand on her shoulder, and they looked over to see Cody and Obi-Wan. Anakin smiled at his old master, 

"Obi-Wan, this is Axel and Sora, I told you the story,"

Obi-Wan smiled and glanced at Rex, 

"Yes, it is nice to see that Rex is not always getting jumped on when someone new appears,"

Rex sighed, 

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

Cody smirked, 

"Because you always are getting jumped by the Mils and Luiz,"

Rex sighed, 

"It was two times,"

Obi-Wan looked at the two new Jedi, 

"My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, what are your names?"

Cal stepped closer to him and bowed in greeting, 

"It is nice to meet you, Master Kenobi. My name is Axel, this is Sora,"

Nikki smiled at him and bowed, 

"It is nice to meet you,"

Obi-Wan smiled at her and turned to Anakin, 

"Why don't we spar?"

Cal immediately perked up, 


Anakin chuckled and turned to Rex and Cody, 

"What do you two think? Do you want to watch Sora and Axel spar? Obi-Wan and I will spar after,"

The two clones nodded, and the group walked over to the training center. Obi-Wan smiled at Nikki and Cal, 

"You two can start when I tell you to. We will all be in the viewing area,"

Cal and Nikki nodded and watched them leave. Cal turned to Nikki with a smirk, 

"Just like the old days?"

Nikki rolled her eyes, 

"We literally sparred last month,"

Cal laughed, 

"I know,"

With a quick nod from Anakin, the duel began. Nikki moved first, her speed a blur as she closed the distance between them, her lightsabers slicing through the air in a series of rapid strikes. Cal met her with equal ferocity, his blue sabers intercepting her attacks with precision.

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