Grandmaster Yoda

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Yoda looked up as he felt three presences enter the council room, 

"Leave Master Skywalker, you must. Ask questions I will. Test the two I shall,"

Anakin nodded and bowed before squeezing their shoulders as he left, 

"I'll be right outside,"

"Thank you, Master Skywalker,"

As soon as Anakin left, Nikki and Cal sat down in front of Yoda. Yoda looked at the two and immediately saw similarities in force signatures,

"Far away you are from home,"

Nikki and Cal sighed and nodded. Yoda nodded his head, 

"Far along in your journey, you have come. Proud of you I am. Jedi Master, you are, Jedi Knight you have become. Sent back for a reason, you have been. Master Nikki, Knight Cal, what has brought you home?"

Nikki's eyes widened at the same time as Cal's eyes, 

"How did you know it was us, Master Yoda? I hid my force signature and taught Cal to,"

Yoda chuckled, 

"Hide from the one that taught you, you can not. Sensed a disturbance in the force I did. Seeing you come in, I did. I train you to be a master, do I not?"

Nikki nodded her head, 

"Yes, you spent two years training me to become a Jedi Master after I was knighted by Obi-Wan,"

Yoda nodded and looked at Cal, 

"Knighted you were too, by who?"

Cal sighed, 

"Cere Junda knighted me before we fought against a Sith,"

Yoda nodded, 

"The Sith has risen. Know his name, do you?"

Nikki sighed and looked down as grief struck her, 

"We do not, Master...all we know is his name, Darth Sideous."

Yoda nodded, 

"Known, the name is. Master Kenobi brought it to us by Dooku,"

Cal nodded, 

"Yes, Master Yoda he-"

"Tell me about the future, do not. Time-traveling is unknown; the future is unknown to the present. The past serves as a lesson, and the future as hope,"

Nikki nodded, 

"Alright, we will continue to search for our answers,"

"When brought into light, this Sith is. Tell us, you must. Together, take him, we will,"

Nikki nodded, 

"Yes, Master,"

Cal bowed as he stood up, 

"We won't let you down, Master Yoda,"

"Believe in the Force, I do. Forget that hope, do not. Become Generals, you must. Help in the war, you will. Rest before, you should. Stay with Master Skywalker, you can. One of you must go without the other,"

Nikki and Cal shared a shocked look, 

"Is that wise?"

Yoda nodded, 

"The Force sings around the two of you. Similar to our Nikki and Cal, you are. Hidden, you must remain. Trouble, it will bring, if found,"

Nikki and Cal shared a concerned look but nodded in understanding. Cal sighed, 

"Is there a squad that needs a general?"

Yoda nodded, 

"Talk to Shaak Ti, I will,"

Cal nodded, and the two turned to leave but Yoda stopped them, 

"One more thing. Strong is your connection, the two of you. Together, more powerful than apart,"

Cal and Nikki shared a confused glance but nodded to him before leaving. Anakin immediately walked up to them, 

"What did he say?"

Cal and Nikki smiled, 

"We are in the army,"

Anakin chuckled, 

"Welcome to the GAR, General and Commander,"

Nikki punched his shoulder gently, 

"Hey! I'm also a General. In fact! I was told I would be with you a lot, so get used to me,"

Anakin chuckled and looked at Cal, 

"What about you, Axel?"

Cal shrugged, 

"Master Yoda said he would contact me when they find a squad for me. He wants us separated,"

Anakin frowned, 

"Separated? Really?"

Nikki sighed and nodded, 

"Yeah...won't be all the time...but for now,"

Anakin sighed, 

"I'm sorry...hey, let's go meet up with everyone, I heard Luiz's squad just got in,"

Nikki looked at Cal for a moment, and he nodded at her in reassurance, 


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