Old Faces

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Luiz Nilson stepped out of his ship and smirked at Comet, 

"Come on, Comet, don't be like that,"

Comet groaned, 

"I thought that the rest of the pack would be back the same time we were. But I just heard from Commander Wolffe that they weren't due back for another Rotation,"

Dino laughed and nudged him, 

"Oh, you can survive a while longer before you see them again,"

Blaze smirked and nudged Luiz, 

"Think about our kid here, he hasn't seen Victory in a few Rotations,"

Luiz blushed and glared at them, 

"Hey! I talk to her plenty,"

Comet took off his black helmet and ruffled Luiz's blonde hair, 

"Come on, kid, we know you better than that. Let's just meet up with General Skywalker,"

Dino nodded, 

"I heard that we got some new Generals,"

Luiz looked at him in surprise, 

"Where did you hear that?"

Blaze smirked, 

"Jesse mentioned it,"

Luiz chuckled, 

"Alright, do you know how we got two new Generals?"

They all shrugged. Luiz chuckled, 

"Well, good thing we are here now, let's try finding someone,"

Then Rex came walking up to them, 

"Hey, kid!"

Luiz smiled at Rex, 

"Hey, Rex,"

Rex pulled him into a quick hug and ruffled his hair, 

"How was the mission?"

Luiz shrugged, 

"Pretty good, nothing really big, we got in and got out quick,"

Blaze smirked, 

"Luiz blew up the base,"

Luiz gasped, 


Blaze shrugged, 

"Hey! It's the truth,"

Rex laughed and took off his helmet, shaking his head.

"I'm not surprised. Come on, General Skywalker just told me where to meet him with Axel and Sora,"

"Who are they?"

Rex smirked, 

"The two new Jedi we ran into on the mission,"

Luiz smirked, 

"Now, by 'run into,' you mean they crashed into you like Nikki and I did?"

Rex sighed dramatically, shaking his head in amusement,

"No! They did not fly into me like you and the Mills did,"

Luiz chuckled, 

"Good to know,"

"They seem strong in the Force, from what I observed. Not sure how their meeting with General Yoda went,"

Luiz winced slightly, remembering his own nerve-wracking encounters with the Jedi Council, 

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