The Past Truth

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Fives opened the holo-disk to answer the call, 

"Why if it isn't my favorite sister,"

Nikki laughed, 

"I'm your only sister,"

"Which makes you my favorite,"

Nikki rolled her eyes, 

"I wanted to tell you something-"

She was interrupted by a blast and Fives frowned, 

"Victory, are you on the field?"

He watched in concern as she blocked blaster shots, 


"Get off this call! I thought we made a deal where you only call me if you aren't on the field! We could get caught!"

"Hey! I won't get caught. I'm further up than our Vods. I needed to tell you something that happened,"

Fives sighed and nodded, 

"Alright, out with it, Victory,"

"Master Plo told me there are two new Jedi in the Order. Anakin found them, well more like Rex found them in the field. Master Plo said they are serving in the 501st right now as co-generals, and one of them will get their own squad. I wanted to warn you. I don't know what's going on...but something is changing. I felt it in the force last week which is when they came. Master Plo and I are still deployed, as you can tell, but as soon as I get to Coruscant, I think we should move your house again-"

"Victory, stop worrying about me. I will be fine. What are their names?"

"Um. I think something like Soar and Ax? I'm not sure. Just stay safe, Fives, okay?"

"I will, I promise, Vod'ika,"

"Talk soon, Vod,"

"Don't do anything stupid,"

He saw Nikki smirk, 

"How could I? You take all the stupid with you,"

Fives rolled his eyes and ended the call. He sighed and brought his hands up to his face, 

"Two new Jedi? At a time like this, what the kriff is going on?"

He got up and went to the sink before he heard something outside. He immediately took out his blaster and hid behind the wall. The door opened and closed as he breathed softly to make sure the intruder didn't hear him. He heard footsteps approach him and immediately shot at the hooded figure. He gasped when the shots stopped mid-flight and raised his blaster before hearing them, 

"Please don't shoot again, I just want to talk,"

He paused and glared at the figure, 

"How did you get in?"

The figure chuckled and moved out of the way as the blasts hit the stone wall. The figure dropped her hood, and he was surprised to see a woman with short blonde and blue hair with blue eyes looking at him, 

"Well, it does help that you forgot to lock the door. Which is actually a very bad thing to do, by the way, because if I was a robber, I could have easily robbed you, regardless of the traps outside,"

Fives frowned, 

"How did-"

The woman chuckled, 

"I'm a Jedi. You really need to update your security. Especially since you are hiding in Coruscant from the very people in charge of the planet,"

Five glared at her, 

"How did you know?"

The woman shrugged, 

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