Chapter 8: I'm welcomed with a Makeover

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Kayla and Will helped me make my bed with the sheets and blanket, that were left folded. I had nothing with me. I was supposed to bring a bag of my clothes and stuff after Mr Miles picked me up from orientation...but since Percy and I had to run...I had nothing.

The rest of my half brothers said they would wait outside, and the guys all turned and left when Will said he was gonna check my arm.

"Look I know you heal in the sun, but as the camp medic, I gotta check your arm."

"I'm okay, I promise!"

"Doctor's orders!" He insisted.

"Dude, you're like 10." I rolled my eyes.

"Um, 13 and a half thank you. Now sit down so I can check you!"

"Man. Bossy much?" But I sat down and pulled my ripped up sleeve.

He did a quick assessment and then when he was satisfied he cleaned the blood from the monsters talons. Will nodded now that he was satisfied I was okay. I pulled the magic quiver off and tossed it in the bed and pulled the ripped shirt off and pulled the orange camp t shirt on.

"Okay...that's a gift from Apollo!"

I nodded at Kayla. Will was staring at the quiver, his mouth open and eyes wide.

"Whoa. Gifts from your godly parent are rare!"

"Oh ... Ummm." I stamared. He ran to the door and flung it wide and called the guys back in.

"Look!" He pointed to the quiver on my bed.

The guys all froze, shoulder to shoulder and stared.

"A quiver of celestial bronze arrows?"

"Umm it's supposed to never run out. And I uh..." I yanked the pendent off, everyone's eyes, if possible, went even wider as my pendent grew into a full size bow with the arrow.

"Holy Hera!" Lee muttered. He reached out like he wanted to touch it, but then thought against it and lowered his hand. I held it out and let them see. They crowded around the bow oowing and awwing.

"Whoa Nora this is amazing!" Kayla gushed. "And Apollo gave it to you?"

I nodded. I sunk down on my bed, feeling suddenly worn and exhausted. Kayla and the guys sat down all around, crowding into my bed, Kayla took my hand, Will rubbed my back, and I felt a hand on my knee and someone else's knee touching mine. They were a touchy feely group, but it wasn't weird. I didn't feel like they were being weird. I could feel Will's healing comfort through his hand. And the others, I could feel their sympathy and concern radiating off of them. I exhaled and told them the story of how it all really started with the field trip to the museum.

"It's not the first time Apollo has shown up for his kids." Austin said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Ya." Will nodded. "he talked to me on the subway when I was 9. Thought he was just some dude on his way back from the beach or something. Then a bunch of bird monsters attacked me and my mom right after."

"He showed up and I was attacked by monsters...maybe if he didn't show up we wouldn't have been attacked." I said bitterly.

"I think we would have been one way or another." Will said quietly.

I just shrugged. Leaning my head on Kayla's shoulder. I felt someone's hand playing with my hair. It was quite soothing.

"Well," Lee said finally, "a gift from any of the gods is a huge honor."

"Okay Chiron!" I teased with a roll of my eyes.

"What? It is!" He shit back, "not everyone gets one!"

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