Chapter 38: I Thank Apollo with a Happy Meal

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"Hey...can you ask what's his name," I indicated to Eurytion, "if there are other horses around here?"

Nico turned and spoke to the huge son of Ares, who spoke to Nico and shook his head. I could feel the panic in the horses. Especially Sparkle. She kept side stepping, and rainbow sparks kept shooting from her nose. Nico finally turned to me.

"He says there hasn't been any kind of horse like that. He promises on the River Styx. And if there was he would free her. He's not like the former rancher. He's more into veggie burgers and stuff. He apologizes and if he hears anything he'll send word."

I sighed. "Thanks Nico."

I relayed the message to the horses and just as they started to really get antsy a silver chariot pulled by four gold reindeer dropped from the cloudy stormy sky and landed beside them. The horses whinnined and trotted over, apparently excited to see the reindeer.

Artimis and Thalia jumped out and walked over. They had grim looks on their faces.

Artimis nodded at Eurytion who held the tip of his cowboy hat and nodded. Artimis's said something to him he nodded. He said something to Nico and then nodded his head in my direction and walked away with another bow to Artimis.

"He says thanks for helping get rid of the monsters. They had taken over and had him ready to be sacrificed." Nico explained quickly.

Artimis turned to me and Nico. She looked at him hard, her face sad and troubled. Nico's face morphed into a scowl and his jaw was clenched tight. He backed up and side stepped so he was directly behind me. Artimis sighed and shook her dark hair and looked at me and with her broken sign language priced together as best she could.

"Had to check the mountain Percy Jackson made erupt. The giant Typhon was prisoner under it. He is stiring. Mount Orthrys, where Kronos is said to be, also has monstrous activities. We are late in helping as I promised. I appolagize."

I glanced over my shoulder at Nico, his hands were balled into fist, and his face was twisted in pain.

"Nico and I had it covered." I signed back.

"So I see. I will take the Sun horses back to Apollo. Our father is quite angered."

"Not Apollo's fault. Dark magic was used. Look." I signed and then held my burnt hand out to show them.

Artimis took my hand and examined it closely. Her lips purses and her eyebrows pulled together. She let go of my hand and signed.

"Hecate has gone over to the other side then. Dionysus tried to convince her otherwise."

"Why did she switch?"

"She wants more recognition."

"Huh. Wonder how that feels." I thought and signed. "to be seen and recognized by the mighty Olympians."

"You are going to get cursed twice!" Nico warned.

"Nah. Auntie Artimis would never. She's cool." The amount of sass and sarcasm I could throw behind the words made Nico snicker.

"I agree." Artimis signed with a serious nod.


Nick rolled his eyes.

"They do not get recognized as much as they should, I tell my family this all the time. However now is not the time to discuss family matters. I must get the horses back."

Sparkle neighed and stomped her feet. "My foal, my lady!"

"Yes I'll ask."

"Sparkle's foal was some point," I signed, "have you seen her?"

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