Chapter 20: Good Bye Sun. Hello Rocks.

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Well there's a happy thought right before we delve into the darkness. Kronos was using souls to reform, Like wanted to bring camp to the ground and now he wanted a sacrifice of unwilling blood. Great. Oh also, I might just be evil and betray everyone here.

"What's taking them so long?" Annabeth huffed.

"He's having a heartfelt teary goodbye." I rolled my eyes.

Annabeth glared at me, readjusted her backpack and walked over.

"Percy, you ready?"


I watched as they came back over. I saw Quintus watching me and Percy carefully. He raised his hand in farewell. And nodded. I felt a shiver run down my spine. There was something not quite right about that guy. But I had nothing to base it on. So I shook my head and turned to see our questing part. Everyone looked grim, except Tyson.

"Take care," Chiron told us. "And good hunting."

"You too," I said.

Raph, Will, Percy and Annabeth walked over to the rocks, where Tyson, Grover and I stood waiting. I stared at the crack between the boulders; the entrance that was about to swallow us.

"Well," Grover said nervously, "good-bye sunshine."

"We will see the sun again Grover. Don't you worry!" Will said with an encouraging smile. He said it so firmly and so surely Grover smiled.

"Hello rocks," Tyson agreed.

And together, the seven of us descended into darkness.


We made it a hundred feet before we were all hopelessly lost.

The tunnel looked nothing like the one we had stumbled into before. Now it was round like a sewer, constructed of red brick with iron-barred portholes ever ten feet. I shined a light through one of the portholes out of curiosity, but I couldn’t see anything. It opened into infinite darkness. I thought I heard voices on the other side, but it may have been just the cold wind.

Annabeth tried her best to guide us. She had this idea that we should stick to the left wall. I rolled my eyes, but let her lead. Raph was content to say nothing and he stayed at the back of the group beside Tyson.

"If we keep one hand on the left wall and follow it," she said, "we should be able to find our way out again by reversing course."

Unfortunately, as soon as she said that, the left wall disappeared. We found ourselves in the middle of a circular chamber with eight tunnels leading out, and no idea how we’d gotten there.

"I think that only works in none magic mazes. But that's just my thinking." I said. I heard a deep quiet snigger behind me.

"Um, which way did we come in?" Grover said nervously.

"Just turn around," Annabeth said.

We each turned toward a different tunnel. It was ridiculous. None of us could decide which way led back to camp. Five demigods and syter and a cyclops stood in seven different directions, insisting this was the way back.

"Left walls are mean," Tyson said.

"Which way now?" Will asked hesitantly, shining his flashlight around.

Annabeth swept her flashlight beam over the archways of the seven tunnels. As far as I could tell, they were identical. "That way," she said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Deductive reasoning."

"So…you’re guessing." Percy concluded, glancing at Annabeth.

She rolled her eyes, "Just come on," she said.

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