Chapter 9: Great Balls of Fire!

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Clamping my jaw tight I walked into the armoury behind him. There were rows and rows of all kinds of Greek weapons and shields, helmets and armour.

"So Sunshine, what'll it be? I see you already have a bow and arrows. Still need something for up close and personal...."

"How do you know about the bow and arrows?"

"I have eyes. I can see them."

"But ..?"

"The arrows aren't hidden by the mist. And I see weapons everywhere. Anything can become a weapon...if you try hard enough."

"Not sure if I feel safe or threatened."

He just smirked in his stupid smug way. I rolled my eyes. He spread his arms wide and turned and walked backwards.

"All kinds of weapons. Best to be versed in more than one, just in case. But first let's get you some armour."

He led me to the back where there were rows of all kinds of stuff. His dark eyes looked me up and down for a moment then without a word turned to the chest plates. Walking through them he selected one and brought it over and held it out.

"Slip it on, see how it fights."

I did as he said, and then without a word and lifted my arm and started doing up the buckles. I was quite annoyed he just decided I couldn't do up my own armour. And I huffed. He stepped back and folded his huge tattooed arms.

"Bend. Move. See how it feels." He instructed.

I felt stupid, but I was trusting that as a son of Ares he knew what he was doing...or he was just making me look like a fool. After twisting and turning for a minute I shrugged.

"Seems fine. Lighter than I expected."

"Original Greek armour is 50 to 60 pounds in the chest plate alone, but the Hephaestus cabin figured out how to make the armour stronger yet less weight, kind of like a bullet proof vest from today's world."

"Well...that's kinda cool."

"Helpful when you need to wear it into battle. Or capture the flag."

"Do you guys still have some of the original armour?"

"Yeah. Most of my brothers and Clarisse wear the original." He said as he rummaged through a box of stuff.

"Okay Sunshine, this is called a Bracers, protects your forearms." He held out some bronze and leather cuffs, he helped me slip them in and tie them up and next he handed me something that looked like shin pads.

"Greaves for-"

"Shin protection, ya. I ain't stupid."

"Never said you were." He raised an eyebrow. I huffed and rolled my eyes. This time he let me tie my own leather cords and I straightened up and held my arms out.

"Almost. Need a helmet and short range weapon. Possibly a shield."

He walked through rows of all kinds of weapons. He grabbed a helmet and tossed it to me without even looking. I held it under my arm as we walked.

I saw huge long spathas, kopis, dorys, xiphos, there were long swords and short swords, javelins, slings, and shields. (Foot notes for the Greek terms at the bottom)

" second weapon..." He was talking to himself. He stopped and looked at me again, I knew he was doing something in his head, because his eyes were slightly glazed and he wasn't fully seeing me. He turned and grabbed a sword, and handed it to me. I hardly had it grasped in my hand before he yanked it away.

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