I was violently shaken awake.
"Come on, Nora. We need you!" Lee cried, going to shake Kayla awake.
"Armour on! Let's go! This is not a drill people!" Lee cried. I saw Will rubbing his eyes.
"What time is it?"
I threw my blankets aside and grabbed my sneakers, shoving my feet into them, and a chest plate, I jammed my helmet on I was buckling my belt and knives around my waist, with my quiver clamped in my teeth trying to follow Lee out the door and still wake up at the same time. Once the belt was buckled I threw the quiver into my back.
"What's going on?" I called, racing beside Lee, Michael, and Kayla.
"Boarder patrols caught sight of a monster. Need our sharp eyes now. Let's move." His usual laid back manor had hardened into a general.
"Who else was on patrol with you?" Michael asked.
"Raph, Conor, Beckendorf and Malcolm."
"Got it."
We raced through the strawberry Fields and up the hill to Thalia's tree. Peleus was pacing back and forth, smoke billowing out of his nose in great huffs.
The huge Hephaestus Councilor turned as we approached, I recognized him as the guy Selina was chatting with before capture the flag.
"Guys." He nodded, his face pulled into a worried and serious expression.
"Has it attacked?" Lee asked.
"Not yet." A deep voice said, and a huge musclar body appeared out of the shadow, Raph looked angry- but then he was either sporting a very angry I hate you all look or he had an arragant smug smirk. No inbetween. His eyes snapped to me and a lopsided smirk appeared.
"Nice jammies, Sunshine."
"Shut up or I'll pin you to the tree again."
"So the drakon hasn't attacked?" Lee cut in.
"Not yet." A tall kid with grey eyes said with a shack if his head. I recognized him as an Athena kid. His grey eyes gave it away. They all had the same colour eyes. "it's an Aethiopian drakon, this one the Aerhiopian Drakon are a race of sub-Saharan Drakons native to Africa, what it's doing here, I don't know!"
Definitely an Athena kid.
"The magical boundaries had kept the monster out, but I followed in the shadows, it's prowling the hills, looking for weak spots in our defenses."
"Alright. Cabin 7, let's go." Lee said and he turned and sprung light as a deer and took off running. The rest of us on his heels. I yanked my bow off and it was ready to shoot. The rest of my siblings all had their bows ready. Austin and Will had said at supper they weren't as good a shot as the other three, but they still knew how to use a bow better then most campers. Austin was a musical genius, he could pick up any instrument and he was proficient in it, Will was the healer, he could spew any medical and biology facts. He said he wasn't a very good fighter- but watching something move and fight he could figure out the fastest way to kill it.
We ran in silence, across the ridge of the hill. I could sense something close by.
"Lee! On our right!"
Something dove at us. We all screamed and dove in different directions. A few dove to the side, Lee dove forward. I however, for some stupid reason, dove to the right, towards it. The huge creature slammed into something solid.
"Oh Styx!"
I forgot about the enchants and magical barrier that kept the camp safe. The Drakon slammed into the wall, like it was a real brick wall. I however was now on the other side. I had to roll a few times so I wouldn't get squished by the body. This thing was huge. At least thirty or fourth feet. It slithered like a snack, but had huge legs. Even in the dark if the night it was a bright poisonous green.

Daughter Of Light- Book 1: PJO
أدب الهواةAlways trouble-prone, the life of teenager Eleanora Blofis gets a lot more complicated when she learns she's the daughter of the Greek god Apollo. At a training ground for the children of deities, Eleanora learns to harness her divine powers and pre...