Chapter 19: Not Another one!

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I had missed supper. I wasn't hungry. My stomach was twisting and my heart was pounding. I knew something was up, and it hurt that Annabeth would ask if Percy would give me up. How was I supposed to go into this death trap and find my way around? I was glad she still lent me the book, it was fascinating, and her hand written notes of everything she had read before or thought was quite helpful. And kept my mind sort of busy.

I read late into the night. I had discovered this a long time ago, that I didn't actually need light to see the pages. It was great when I was supposed to be sleeping but reading late into the night.

Sometime after the sun set and the moon was out I closed the book and walked back to my cabin and sat on my bed staring at the far wall, trying not to throw up. It was a long night. I hardly slept.

Whatever Annabeth didn't want to say was bothering me, my over active imagination was making up all kinds of scenarios and bad situations and with zero idea with what actually happened up in the Attic I had no no idea what I was panicking about.

And when I finally heard what was bothering her, it was even worse than I thought.

I had finally dozed off, after I had packed my bag, double checked everything. I woke with a start when the cabin door quietly closed. I lay in bed for a moment, I was leading a quest today, I was probably going to die in the next day or two. I groaned quietly and got up. Dressing quickly I left the cabin, had I been paying attention, I'd have noticed Will's bed was empty, and made, and his stuff gone.

I was going to go talk to Annabeth before we left, Malcolm said she had gone to the big house. I thanked him and headed there. I noticed the front door was already adjar, standing on the porch, my hand hardly on the door handle when I heard Percy's voice.

"...Annabeth, you said yesterday prophecies aren't always what they seem!"

"He's right, and we need to proceed with caution on this. The wording is very important."

Chiron? Why would Chiron be having a secret meeting with Percy and Annabeth. I frowned.

"Yeah...but...!" She insisted.

"Speak child." Chiron said. I could hear his hooves clip clopping on the hardwood.

"It''s not good. And once you hear it you'll understand too! Maybe...maybe someone else should be leading that quest."

"Annabeth. Just tell us, and we can make our own judgment."

"Daughter of the Light, ne'er she be.
The lost child of Ally, Foe an' Rivalry.
Free she must the one to rise,
To conquer Heavenly Light and Splendour Sight.
Seven journey home while light walks alone.
The ancient rival rises in the west,
Unlikely allies keep hope safe before strife becomes thy biggest defeat."

There was silence inside. My heart had stopped, and my lungs restricted.

"How do you know it's actually about her?" Percy stammered.

"This is quite troublesome." Chiron said. I could hear his tails swishing and a hoof hitting the floor. My legs felt shaky. I gripped the door frame trying to stay upright

"I know it is. It has to be. Her prophecy calls her the daught of light. So...the first line of this one? Daught of light... ne'er she be? Who else could it be Percy?"


Will? Will was here? They had a full meeting about me without me here? My legs finally gave out and I sunk to the ground. I felt the rising sun on my back. It felt like it was mocking me.

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