Chapter 41: I Fight a Possessed Body

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The coffin was empty. Kronos wasn't there. Dread filled me, it consumes me. I saw a boy cowering in the ground by the coffin. When he glanced up I recognized him from my vision. He had one eye covered with a black threadbare cloth. I motioned for him to run, to leave. I don't know if he listened, my attention was now back on what was happening in front of me.

I looked up and around. Standing at the very end of the room was a young man, he was a blond athletic, muscular guy. He was pointing a huge sword at a boy. It took me a second to realize who it was.

Percy. He looked like he was running in slow motion.

"Percy!" I tried screaming.

I had no idea what I was going to do, but I stood up, on the horses back, pulling the string of my bow back, just as a blue plastic hair brush flew out of nowhere and slammed the young man in the face. He stumped back, a hand holding his face. I saw over the blond guys shoulder, Percy caught my eye. His mouth dropped open. Annabeth stood frozen, her eyes huge in horrified realization, staring at the blond guy holding his eye. And Rachel Elizabeth Dare stood, she had thrown the hairbrush. I also saw Nico. I'm pretty sure I sagged in relief, he had somehow found Percy! Oh thank Apollo. Nick would be okay. They just needed to get out. The man who had a hair brush checked at his face was recovering, he shook his head.

"STOP THEM!" his voice...I recognized it, it rattled in my head, like knives scrapping against my skull the same way it did the other night. Kronos. Somehow he was back, and looked like a young man. Then it clicked. This was Luke's body. Kronos was somehow possessing him, using him. They needed to leave.

"Run Nico! Go!"

"Nora! But-"


Nico yelled something at Percy, he didn't need to be told twice, he spun around and grabbed Annabeth and yanked her away. Rachel right in his heels. Nico stood in the doorway.

"Go Nico! I'll find you! I'm okay. I promise."

I released my arrow. It hit him perfectly in the back, would have pierced his body but the arrow glanced off of him harmlessly like I shot a Nurf bullet at him. He whipped around still holding his eye. His glowing gold eyes fixed on me now.

"No!" Nico yelled.

He clapped his hands together, and a jagged spire of rock the size of an eighteen-wheeler erupted from the ground right in front of the entrance. The tremor it caused was so powerful the front columns of the building came crashing down. The tremors shook the floor and a huge crack spidered through the floor. This time it didn't seem to bother me. I stood stead on the back of the horse. She reared up on her back legs, kicking her front ones, her firey gold main flicked around sending gold glittering sparks into the air. I pulled another arrow from my quiver.

"Ahhh. Granddaughter of my favorite brother. You resemble him." The Kronos-Luje spreed his arms like he was welcoming a guest, and expecting a hug. The horse shied away, flinging her main back and forth.

"Eww. Do not compare me to Lord of the Dimwitted."

I could feel his laughter. It was terrible and made my head hurt. I shook my head, and pulled the arrow back. The crack in the floor grew.

"Don't waist you arrows on my child. It is useless. This temporary body has been prepared perfectly."

"I'm not waisting them." I let go of the string. Just as another pillar crashed to the floor causing another dust cloud to form. He didn't even both to move, Kronos wasn't wearing armour and it should have pierced his heart, but again the arrow bounced off harmlessly.

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