Chapter 9: Zoey

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Humming a song to myself I walked into the kitchen as I re-tied my hair. A few of the pack members were there and they all greeted me with a happy smile. I smiled and wished them a good day as I got started on my work. Two women came in and started helping on their own.

"Oh no. You don't need to do that. I can do it myself," I protested.
"Hush now dear. Let us help. You do all the work anyway," one woman said.
"By the way I am Natalie and this is Christine," Natalie introduced us.
"Zoey," I replied with a friendly smile.

The three of us started getting the drinks ready. Thanking them I took the tray and walked to the office. Before I could knock I heard a female voice inside whom I assumed belonged to the Alpha's daughter.

"I smell another she-wolf on you. What were you two doing?"

There was an edge to her voice which I didn't like. I didn't wait for the answer and just knocked on the door.

"Yes," Kade called.

His voice send shivers up and down my spine. I pushed open the door and walked inside allowing ny eyes to stay down on the carpet.

"Drinks Alpha," I said, everting my eyes from Kade.
"Place them here," Kade said, his voice strong and business-like.
"I know that scent. It belongs to this girl!"

Now her voice was angry.

"Paisley calm down!" Alpha Xander exclaimed.

So her name was Paisley. I didn't like her.

"Calm down? You are asking me to calm down daddy?" Paisley asked, her voice getting louder.
"Lower your voice Paisley," her brother said.
"Ethan shut up," she said.
"Alpha Xander this is what you caught your children?" Kade asked, hid voice was hard and Alpha-like.
"Sorry Kade. I don't know what's overcome her," Alpha Xander sighed.
"Well then we can't discuss the deal today," Kade said, standing up.

I raised my head and looked up at him. He had that impassive look on him which was hard to interpret.

"You know perfectly well what's overcome me! My own mate has been frolicking with a she-wolf doing god knows what and you are asking me to calm down!" Paisley exclaimed.

Now I understood her point somewhat. She was Kade's mate and had smelled me on him. It would be a natural reaction. I didn't blame her.

"We were just running in the forest. He's my Alpha and that's that," I gave her explanation.
"And why were you running with him?" Paisley demanded.
"Because we stumbled along our path unintentionally. He thought it would be a good idea go teach me to hunt," I said.
"See? Told you you were overreacting," Alpha Xander said.
"That still doesn't explain your scent over him," Paisley said.
"What makes Kade a good Alpha is that he's interractive with the people of his pack. I recently got hurt on my side by a member on accident and he wanted to make sure I was all right since I was healing slowly," I explained.

What more lies have you got?" Kade's voice spoke in my mind.
"These are not lies!" I huffed.
"Yeah yeah," he said back.

"See? You are reading too much into what's nothing," Ethan said.
"Can we get back to business?" Alpha Xander asked.
"Only if your kids willbehsve themselves around my pack members," Kade huffed.

I saw him looking at Paisley as he emphasized the word kids.

"I assure you they will," Alpha Xander said.
"Will you be having lunch with us Alpha?" I asked.
"Well this is my pack now. We can do whatever we please," Paisley huffed.
"PAISLEY! Of course dear," Alpha Xander told me with a warm smile.

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