Chapter 15: Zoey

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It had been a week since Paisley had been here. She had gotten her attitude under control and I found out I quite liked the girl. Julia didn't get along with her which was a bummer. She kept saying Paisley was fake. I wanted to give her a chance. I knew how hard it must be to change places. Back at her own pack she must be one of those popular kids being an Alpha and all that.

I knocked on her door the next morning just as breakfast was ready.

"Yes? Come in," Paisley called.

I opened the door and peaked my head in.

"Hi. Did you sleep well?" I asked.
"Oh yes. Thank you," Paisley smiled warmly at me.
"Well breakfast is ready. Would you like to eat with the pack or in here?" I asked.
"I would love to eat with the pack," Paisley smiled at me.
I gave her a smile back and said, "Well you can come when you are ready."

I walked back down to the kitchen to the it already half full of pack members. My heart fluttered inside my chest as I saw Kade sitting in his seat at the head table. He was already back? When did he come back? I stood there in the doorway just staring at him until he turned his head to look at me.

His eyes did a full body scan from top to bottom and I felt myself blush furiously at the attrntion. What the hell was wrong with me? He already had a mate. I shoulfn't be thinking such things about a mated wolf. Shaking my head I walked around the tablr greeting several pack members as they wished me good morning.

The room suddenly got silent and I turned to look as Paisley made her way in.

"You just have a seat and I will get your breakfast ready," I told her smiling.

I found Paisley looking at Kade and for a moment had a pint of jealousy within me. I needed to get out more often. The pack members whispered amongst themselves and Kade cleared his throat gaining all of their attention.

"This is Paisley Alpha Xander's daughter. She will be staying with us for a few days," Kade introduced.
"And I will be your future luna. So I don't want anyone playing games with me," Paisley glared at everyone.

Her words caused a stir in the room and I noticed Kade trembling in his seat from the anger. I looked towards Paisley to see her wearing a smug smile on her face.

"Hey you. Get up. This is my seat now," Paisley spoke to Julia who was sitting on Kade's right.
"I am his sister," Julia scowled.
"I don't care. This chair doesn't have your name on it now does it?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.
"Kade!" Julia exclaimed, turning to him.

I could see it had hurt Julia and moved forward to soothe her. Kade had partially shifted into his wolf form; his eyes a pitch black.

"Paisley you can't speek to Julia like that," I told her calmly.
"Like what?" Paisley asked.
"You can sit next to her right?" I asked.

Paisley scoffed and that was the last straw for Kade who growled loudly. I could see the fear in Paisley's eyes. Kade stood up from his chair and dragged Paisley out of the room. I casted a nervous look at Julia.

"You guys just get on with the breakfast. I will go check up on them," I said.

Hurrying out of the kitchen I made my way towards the office where I knew Kade must be. Sure enough I could hear yelling coming from the office even before I got there. Without waiting to knock which I normally do I just threw open the door and was faced with Kade half shifted into his wolf.

"Why the hell do you make things worse!" Kade shouted.
"Your pack needs to know I am going to be luna!" Paisley shouted back.

I saw Kade raise his hand and before he could do anything rash and regret it later I rushed over and stood in front of Paisley.

"No!" I exclaimed, giving him an angry look.
"What the hell are you doing here? Get out!" Paisley said, showing me away from her.

Her shove surprised me and I almost stumbled but caught myself in time.

"I am trying to help you!" I exclaimed, frustrated.
"I don't need an omegas help," she sneered.

Kade growled loudly before saying," she's not an omega. We don't have omegas!"
"Does she mean something to you? Is she the reason you are not accepting me?" Paisley demanded.

I could feel her wolf was also on edge. Just under the surface to be let out.


All three of us froze and stared at each other. My heart hammering inside my chest as I stared at Kade with my mouth gaping open. What the hell did he say that for? Is he going to get me more into trouble? I wanted to get along with Paisley but he isn't making things easier for me.

"I knew it!" Paisley screeched.

Before I could figure out what was happenkng I was hit by Paisley as she jumped on me punching my face. I wasn't prepared for that and the slap hit me straight on the face. I knew a bruise would develop later on.

I also knew that I should probably fight back but the hits and the punches made me go into dejà-vù mode. I was thrown back into non-pleasant memories at my old pack. I didn't know what happened but a second later I was thrown back into the present and Kade was helping me to my feat.

My head hurt like hell and I felt like it would explode any minute now. Savannah was whining inside my head and thumping her tail kn the ground. I tried gulping which only resulted in me wincing from the pain. Great. Another set of injuries to remember me by. Note the sarcasm.

"Get out of my sight if you know what's good for you!" Kade growled, his Alpha tone making me quake under pressure.

I thought he meant me but my eyes found Paisley's angry face and sagged into Kade's arms as she left slamming the door in her wake.

What's the matter with Paisley? Why can't she be nice for once? Has she always been this way? What do you think?

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