Chapter 28: Kade

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I froze at the sound of growls errupting from the trees. My arms tightened around Zoey as I looked past her to the yellow eyes. Not one but many. They were all staring from the safety of the trees. I broke the contact with Zoey only to stand protectively in front of her.

How the hell did these rogues get inside MY territory? My temper finally got the best of me as I realized that they might have somehow gotten in. The thought that my OWN territory wasn't safe anymore made me furious. I was already in a partial shift when one of them attacked us.

His claw got me on the shoulder but that was just minor. My loud growl echoed through the silent forest making the trees shake with the force. Hopefully my voice would have gotten through to some of the pack members.

I fully shifted into Damien allowing him to fully control as I myself sat at the back and gave him instructions. I killed the first rogue with ease as I went for his neck effectively killing him. Another one made to kill me but I was too strong. By the time I killed about five rogues I was like: HOW THE HELL ARE THERE SO MANY ROGUES? I had the best patrolling system in the world. How did they get past them?

Zoey's sudden scream made me pause in my bloodpath. I was just starting to actually get into the killing part since was just a warm up. But seeing the man holding MY Zoey brought the most feral growl from me anyone had ever heard.

The man was the same guy who was at the previous battle. And just like the previous battle he still hadn't shifted into his wolf form because his clothes were still intact. Which made me wonder something. Was he even a wolf or not?

I growled barring my teeth at him trying to scare him off. Zoey was struggling in his arms but apparently he had a strong grip.

"Listen to what I have to offer," the man said calmly as if I had invited him to tea.
"What is so important that you have to offer?" Zoey growled.

I smirked feeling proud of my mate. My mate. The words still felt foreign to me but I could get used to them.

"Fiesty little mate you have got here I must say," the man smirked causing me to growl.
"I don't want a bloodpath. Neither do my men. But we can't do it on our own," he said.
"How do we know you are telling the truth?" Zoey narrowed her eyes at him.
"We are nomads. We don't like to stay at one place for too long. We get restless," he said.
"This doesn't concern us," Zoey said.

I felt my chest expand at the word US. She cared about me enough to join her with me. All throughout my life I had been the one to look after the others. But I had had no one to look after me.

"Actually yes it does. We don't mean to harm you," he said.
"What's your name?" Zoey asked.

Already acting like a luna. My heart filled with pride at the notion. My luna.

"Packs get vary with us. And my name is George," he said.

Before he could say anything else ten more wolves emerged from the trees growling when they saw Zoey being held by a strange man. These wolves were part of my pack. In fact they were in my pack. Chris emerged from the trees his eyes immediately going to Zoey checking to see if she was all right. At any other time I would have taken offence at the action.

"You know there was no reason to abduct me," Zoey said.
"I just had to make the Alpha listen to us," George said.
"You are lucky he didn't had your head," Zoey told him.
"That I am. And thank you for that," George said.
"Get to the point," Chris said gruffly.
"There is an unclaimed territory after your territory. We would like to pass through," George said.
"If that was the only thing you wanted to ask then why not go the civil way?" Chris asked.
"Like I said we are nomads and we don't like being amongst pack members," George said.
"Chris let him get to the point will you?" Zoey glared at him making me want to chuckle.
"If I hurt you Evan would have my head if your mate didn't before him," George chuckled.
"How's he doing?" Zoey asked.

Her concern about another male wolf made me growl.

"Oh hush!" Zoey scolded me.
"We just want your word that you won't attack us if we move through your territory with our families with us," George said.
"You got our permission," she said quickly.

I gave another annoyed growl causing Zoey to look at me.

"If you growl one more time I am never speaking to you again. They just want to pass," Zoey threatened me.

Her words quickly made my anger melt.

"Thank you. It will take a day for us to pass through your territory," George said.
"If you promise not to harm any pack member we will do the same," Chris said.
"That I would. And Alpha, thank you for saving us all. We are in debt to you. If you ever need our help don't hesitate to call on us," George said.

I nodded my wolf head in response to his gratitude. Atleast he had manners. Once the nomads were gone I send my pack members back except Chris as I changed back to my human form.

"Here are yout clothes bro," Chris said.

Ignoring him I walked over to Zoey and embraced her in my arms. Damien was still just below the surface. The smell of another male on our mate was riling him up.

"Now don't you go going all wolf on me," Zoey said.

I smirked as I ran my hand through her silky hair.

"I am still waiting on the side lines," Chris interrupted.

I narrowed my eyes at him as he smirked.

"You can go," I told him.
"Nah. I am quite hungry. I think I will have dinner with you guys," Chris said.
"If you would like to go back with your head intact then this is the time to do so," I growled.
"I am your brother," he pouted.
"How about we have breakfast together?" Zoey asked, lacing her fingers through mine.
"If you will cook," he said.
"Deal," Zoey said.
"Great. I am sure you won't need anything now Alpha," he smirked.

I will get back at him for that. Right now I needed to concentrate on my beautiful mate.

Ahhh! You thought there would be a fighting scene right?😂 fooled you didn't I?😈😛 this book will soon be ending😭 I had an amazing journey while writing this book. I am planning another wolf book soon which will come out in a few days. 👍 After completing this I will be focusing more on:My Mate... I Was Kept Away From. Please read that book and leave your feedback in the comments section. ❤

As always feedback is highly appreciated!🤗❤


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