Leisurely Play Time and Unexpected News.

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In the Crystal Palaces library, two red headed children could be seen from the windows. The older of the two was sitting on the windowsill, and the younger taking long strides - well, as long as he could manage - towards the other.

"What are you doing Azrael?"

Azrael looked up from his book, stared directly into his brother's eyes, and said flatly, "Are you blind, or do you not see the book I have in my hand?" He raised his eyebrow in a half joking, half sarcastic manner.

Ambrose, being the drama queen that he is, placed his right hand on his chest above his heart and used his left to wipe away non-existent tears. Acting like he was hurt from Azrael's words, he answered back in an exaggerated tone "How could you do this to me brother! To say such hateful words!"

Azrael rolled his eyes before grinning and retorting "I only say what I think."

"Hmph! Well anyways, lets go outside and play!" Ambrose yelled and grabbed Azrael's arm, pulling him off the windowsill. This caused Azrael to drop his book on the floor, and stumbling occasionally as Ambrose dragged him along.

"I didn't know you wanted to embrace the role of little brother so much." The teasing tone in Azrael's voice was evident, as clear as day.

"And I didn't know you would embrace your role of older brother so well either." Ambrose retorted back full of attitude. Though, Ambrose had thought about the countless times Azrael had cared for him as a baby. Though Azrael couldn't do much, he still cared for Ambrose as if he was the only thing that mattered in the world, even if it was subconscious. Ambrose had brightened up at recalling the memories and turned giddy at the thought of Azrael caring for him the most in this world.

Azrael could only sigh and shake his head with a small smile on his face. Although he did have his family in his life as Cale, and he did care for them lots, he didn't have this kind of connection with any of them. Sure, his family was close to him, but not quite as close as Ambrose was to him. The twins knew all of each other's secrets and were able to form a deeper connection despite being enemies in their past life. The twins were the only one that understood one another completely, and unknowingly, they became the other's world, their own safe space where they could rely on each other without putting all the burden onto the other.

The twins had vowed never to interfere in the affairs in the imperial family unless they were forced to. They were content to just live life how they wanted to and to ignore the rest of the world. So together, they ran towards the door that glowed with sunlight, inviting and warm, hinting at the brilliance beyond. The twins ran towards it with happy expressions, smiling at each other. The younger twin looked back with a bright smile, while the older had a smaller, faint, yet equally happy one.


Once they reached the outside, they slowed their pace a bit (to let Azrael catch his breath) and walked over to the garden. Reaching just outside the garden they heard some faint voices speaking. It sounded like some of the maids were gossiping again. The twins decided to listen in to what they were saying.

"Did you hear?" one of the maids asked in a hushed tone.

"Are you refereeing to lady Diana's pregnancy?" asked back one of the other maids.

"Yes, I heard that she had gotten pregnant not long ago." The maid answered back.

The twins stood there, not knowing how to take in this information. It had been about four months since the twins last talked about their father finding another woman, but to find out that she was pregnant not long after was a shock, mainly to Ambrose as Azrael had long since decided to not care about their bastard of a father.

Ambrose was slightly more agitated and annoyed as their bastard of a father, who had never even come to see them once after their birth, had gotten another woman pregnant when he couldn't even handle the loss of his previous wife and left them. He had balled his fists out of anger and held his head low. Just then, Ambrose felt a hand pat his head. He shifted his gaze to meet Azrael's, slight shock in his eyes. Azrael closed his eyes shook his head, signalling Ambrose to ignore their father's actions and to focus on their own lives.

"He's not worth our anger, Ambrose. If he got another woman and no longer cares about mother, that just means he has moved on, and we need to do that too. In honour of our mother's sacrifice." Azrael only smiled gently at Ambrose as he said that.

Ambrose nodded at Azrael and calmed himself before thanking Azrael for comforting him. Ambrose felt incredibly happy to have Azrael as his brother and vowed to always follow Azrael's wishes. Though if Azrael knew about this, he would likely scold Ambrose for choosing to follow his wishes instead of trying to find out what he himself wants.

"How about we go to mother's grave to visit her today?"

"Okay!" Ambrose answered his brother.

And if anyone noticed the twins visiting their mother's grave more often from then on, they did not comment.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! (*^_^*) Sorry about how short it is 〒▽〒

This chapter was mainly to show how the twins felt about their father and Diana's pregnancy as well as show off the twins' relationship and to develop it more. In the next chapter I will likely skip to the moment Athanasia is here, and for the next chapter, or maybe the next few chapters, the point of view will likely shift from the twins to Athanasia a few times. 

I had forgotten to mention this in previous chapters but when people are speaking they use "----" and when characters are thinking they use '----' and when the twins are talking telepathically they use *----*

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