First Impression

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As Cale slowly awoke, he could see a blonde figure standing above him. Turning his head to his left he could see red hair exactly like his. He knew immediately who it was, it was Barrow.

Just then the person standing above him spoke. "What did she name them?" he spoke using a cold tone.

"Her Majesty named the one on the right (Barrow) Ambrose and the one on the left (Cale) Azrael." The maid had said while trembling.

The man just stared at the coldly for a while, not saying anything.

'Why is he just staring at us like that?' Was what both Cale and Barrow or now know as Azrael and Ambrose, thought.

"Place them in the Crystal Palace." Was all that was said by the man before he turned and left the room.

Rolling his eyes internally, Azrael thought 'Wow how cold.' Unknowingly, he had shared that comment with Ambrose who then responded with *I know right. *


*Apparently? I don't know how this works. *

*That bastard god never mentioned this. Though I guess this does have some uses. *

*My exact thoughts. *

Surprisingly Azrael finds it extremely easy to talk to Ambrose now that he was no longer affected the curse. 'You have had a major change since having your curse removed.' Azrael pointed out.

'... I guess I have, haven't I...' Ambrose answers. And while they were in their own little world, the maids in the room were slightly panicked about how quiet the twins were, especially because they were newborns that were supposed to be crying.


In the pristine nursery of the Crystal Palace, lay the two newborn princes, peacefully nestled together. Anyone would coo over these princes if it were not for the fact that they were worried about the princes not behaving like a typical baby should.

*So, this is where we are living from now on. * Azrael deadpans.

*It seems so. * Ambrose dejectedly responded.

'Well at least I can live my slacker life.' Is what Azrael thought, but little did he know, he would be dealing with an emotionally constipated, psychotic father with mommy issues later in the future.

Their nanny that was taking care of them just sat on a chair next to their crib while quietly observing them, worried about the twins' odd behaviour.


Life as a baby was easy for both Azrael and Ambrose, they only needed to lay there and do nothing while only letting out small and short cries when they were either hungry or needed their diaper changed. Other than those daily happenings, Azrael and Ambrose simply talked with each other through their weird telepathic connection.

This continued until they hit the age of 2 and were able to finally walk and run, this allowed them to move more freely. A noticeable habit the twins had was that they were always with each other and were hardly ever separated. If you saw one twin somewhere, all the people in that palace knew that the other twin was also close by. You could almost always see them with their hands held together, like an unbreakable bond was shared between them.

The twins were known for being geniuses despite their incredibly young age. Azrael was known for his sharp and precise mind; his intellect was off the charts for a child and astounded the maids, royal guards, and his nanny. Ambrose, on the other hand, was known for being incredibly strong for a two-year-old. It was ridiculous how strong he was, and his innate talent for swordsmanship was evident; even most royal guards were shocked by how well he could perform.

"Come, let's go this way." Ambrose said as he pointed in the direction he was leading Azrael. The twins were off to go to their secret spot that only they knew of. Azrael only followed along quietly, lamenting the fact that he could not laze around at that moment.

The twins normally went there to either practice magic in Azrael's case or to practice swordsmanship in Ambrose's case. Upon arriving at the spot, Azrael sat down next to the red tree that resembled theirs and their mother's hair and breathed in the pure, fresh air. Ambrose picked up his wooden sword (from who knows where) and began to practice with it, while Azrael decided that he had rested enough and began practicing his magic. He had learned enough to become highly advanced, just like his brother was in swordsmanship.

Why are they so skilled at using magic and the sword??? They are only two years old; they should not have this much power. (┬┬﹏┬┬)

After finishing their little training session Azrael remembers something he had heard from the maids. "Hey Ambrose, did you hear that the dead-beat father that abandoned us had found another woman?"

"Really? Someone liked that good for nothing emperor?" Ambrose questioned.

"Apparently. I heard from the maids that her name was Diana and that she was from Siodonna." Azrael shrugged.

"Hmm. I wonder how long she will last." Ambrose comments apathetically before adding on "I wonder... Will he also leave her like he left mother?"

"Ambrose, you know mother died. He didn't leave mother; mother chose to have us even if it meant she would be leaving him. He just couldn't handle her death, so he abandoned us," Azrael said this nonchalantly, but Ambrose knew better after being so close with Azrael for the past two years. They were as close as people could be to one another; therefore, he could tell there was a hint of sorrow and disappointment in his words. Ambrose knew that if he were the one who had said that he would have been the same.

Ambrose hesitated before sitting next to Azrael, the two holding hands under the red tree, basking in the comfort of the other's presence.

"We should head back now." Azrael turns his head to face Ambrose as he says that. "Unless you want the maids and guards to worry and go looking for us."

Azrael gets up, and Ambrose follows shortly after. Hand in hand, they walk back to their palace in silence.


I hope you like this chapter! I don't currently have an update schedule so if I finish a chapter I will just post it out. I will try to update as regularly as I can!! (*^▽^*)

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