Episode 260 Chapter 50: Noble Soul (13)

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Noble Soul (13)

Soya tried to understand Baek Yuseol's words with a puzzled expression.

'Who did he ask me to kill?'

It was definitely Chelriban.

The black sorcerer who challenged the Dark Sorcerer King, lost, and fled to preserve his worthless life. He was now known as the "traitor," with his whereabouts unknown...

"Chelriban? Did you say Chelriban?"

"Yes. Why? Are you scared?"

"Hah... You humans really don't understand..."

She brushed her hair behind her neck and continued.

"Chelriban is the worst criminal in the black magic society. Just bringing his head to the Dark Mage King would grant an enormous reward. Why do you think no one has hunted him down yet?"

Because Chelriban was strong enough to challenge the Dark Mage King, and his whereabouts had been unknown for years.

"He's been missing for years. I've tried to find him a few times, but hunting Chelriban is impossible..."

"Stop babbling."


Baek Yuseol cut her excuses short, knowing there was no benefit in prolonging the conversation.

"Do you think I'd make such a proposal without considering these trivial matters? I know where Chelriban is. And I also know that you can't defeat him."

Soya's expression hardened.

She couldn't defeat Chelriban.

That was a clear fact. How many existing black sorcerers could defeat him? Probably none except for the Dark Mage King...

So, Soya was about to refuse the offer. Even though she was tempted by the promise of "fully absorbing the spirit's heart," it wasn't worth risking her life.

Baek Yuseol needed to present a tempting condition for her.

"You can't kill Chelriban in a direct fight."
"But there is a way to win."

"What? That's the same thing. Are you playing with words?"

"It's different. You don't seem to understand."

Soya's mind lit up as she finally understood Baek Yuseol's words.

You can't kill him in a direct confrontation, but... there is a way to win.

"If you only need to bring his head to the Dark Mage King, why bother with a direct fight?"

"That means..."

"He has a fatal weakness. I know what it is. So, will you make a deal?"

"A weakness for Chelriban? Even if that's true, how can I trust it?"

What else could he say to convince her? What proof could he present?

In truth, all of this was a lie.

Soya was dangerous.

Not only did she have the unique ability to steal the spirit's heart, but her physical abilities alone would ensure Baek Yuseol's defeat in a direct confrontation.

But he couldn't just let her, who threatened Leafanel, go.

'It's like fighting fire with fire.'

She couldn't defeat Chelriban.

Even if the sky fell and the world began anew, that fact would not change.

In the original game, Aether World Online, scenes of Soya and Chelriban's battles were shown several times, and Chelriban always won overwhelmingly.

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