Episode 239 Chapter 49: Witch(6)

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Witch (6)

Everyone has experienced this at least once.

When you fall asleep on your desk while working on homework due the next day... you fall into an unusually deep sleep.

It might feel like you only closed your eyes for a brief moment, but when you open them, the atmosphere will be noticeably different.

Chirping sparrows, warm sunlight, and the flow of the tranquil morning air.

You feel refreshed. As your mind gradually clears, you think:

Have I ever slept this well?

And then, it hits you.

'Oh no!'

You haven't finished the homework due today!

Flame was in the same predicament.


It took only a very short time for her mind to clear up completely.

And then she realized something was off.

'What is this?'

She couldn't quite put her finger on it. The memories from the previous night were still fuzzy. Flame unconsciously reached out her hand, and when it touched something warm, her whole body stiffened.


Where was I and what was I doing last night?

Although she hadn't been drinking, she was probably so tired recently that she fell asleep instantly, making her memory blurry.


One thing was certain.

'Did I go back to the dormitory last night?'

No. I didn't.

According to her last memory, she had sneaked into Baek Yu Seul's dormitory.

While waiting for him, she thought the bed was so soft and decided to lie down for a moment....


Startled, she finally understood the situation and tried to sit up, but something heavy was on her stomach, making her stop.

It was Baek Yu Seul's arm.

(TL: me totally not jealous as fkk, ....dammm I feel so lonely)


"Are you kidding me...!"

She couldn't believe it, but there he was, sleeping next to her without a care, dressed neatly in his pajamas.

Carefully moving his arm aside, she quietly got up and crawled out of the bed.



She accidentally stubbed her toe on the desk, but fortunately, Baek Yu Seul didn't wake up.

'Ugh, what a mess...'

Flame liked wandering around various dorms, but she had never spent the night in a boys' dormitory.

And it had to be Baek Yu Seul, making her even more conscious.


Flame quietly opened the door and left his dormitory, finally breathing a sigh of relief. Even though it probably didn't matter, she didn't want to risk Baek Yu Seul waking up and creating an awkward situation.

"Huff... Ugh..."

She felt so foolish for ending up in such a situation. She wanted to mess up her hair in frustration but held back to avoid ruining it.

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