Chapter 13: Meeting the Parents

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Taehyung is pacing back and forth while going through his checklist for the third time. Today, he will be meeting Dani's entire family. Taehyung spent almost his entire savings (not really, maybe about 5% of his entire fortune) in order to make this happen not to mention all the strings the company pulled so that Taehyung will be given one day leave from the military.

First of all, Taehyung rented a private jet that will take Danielle's family from Australia to Seoul and then back to Australia.

Second, He rented the most expensive beach house in the area

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Second, He rented the most expensive beach house in the area.

Third, he hired two of the best chefs in Seoul who will serve all of their favorite food

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Third, he hired two of the best chefs in Seoul who will serve all of their favorite food. As well as the most expensive ingredients.

Taehyung: Fourth, Your family arrives at the airport

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Taehyung: Fourth, Your family arrives at the airport. They will be picked up by the company vans and then they will head here together with my family.

Danielle: Everything's perfect baby! I can't believe you only planned all of these 3 days in advance, I'm sure everyone will have an amazing time here.

Taehyung: I sure hope so. After all, our goal here is for them to approve our relationship.

Danielle: I feel bad though. I didn't do anything and you even spent a lot of money for all these things.

Taehyung: Money means nothing to me, what's important to me is your happiness.

Danielle: Have I told you that I'm the luckiest woman alive right now?

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