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It could have been just any other day, but it wasn't. Now the man was newly married. Instead of taking some good sleep along with his wife, he was standing in front of the warehouse.

He knew something would come, but this soon? Whatever it is, but wasn't expected. The absence of his father in his wedding wasn't a good thing. And he was aware of it. Now, the war of jealousy, power, and hate will begin. Since he is paying the consequences, other players shall pay it as well.

"Everthings is under control, now. Luckily, there isn't much damage, and for other things, I will make the accountant file for the insurance claim."

Raman nodded.

"You will never be happy in this marriage. You are supposed to be alone. All you bring is chaos. I am letting you stay in this house, consider it your biggest mercy." Mr. Bhalla's words ringed into Raman's mind.

"I can not break this alliance. It's too late."

"It's never too late for anything which brings nothing but consequences, especially doomed ones."

"Perhaps, I shall face them, then." Mr. Bhalla blind in anger left the study room and haven't been spot yet.

And here, he is facing one of the consequences, already. It didn't create much damage, but enough to make Raman realize that this is just the beginning.

Raman went inside the factory, where all supervisors, factorymen, and labors were gathered away from the mess.

"Thank you for your cooperation. The fire was initiated due to a power shortage. Everything is under control. You can start the production for the next batch after 1 pm."

And he directly went to the office. Upon reaching there, he made some important calls due to the so-called loss and indulged himself into the work.

It was around 4:15 in the evening when he missed Ishita's presence, now his wife. It was then only that realization hit him. He quickly wrapped his work and left for the factory to supervise once again and went home.

Raman's POV

It was early morning when I woke up due to the ringing of my phone. It was Mihir, my best friend first and employee, second. He was also the relative of my enemy. Well, for now my biggest one is my own father.


"Bhai, there has been a problem. There is a fire in the factory and the warehouse as well. I am on my way, you too please come."

"Okay. Make sure that police and media aren't informed about it.

I looked at my side, there she was sleeping like a baby, an adult baby.
It was hardly 4 in the morning, not wanting to disturb her I changed my clothes and rushed to the factory.

It's gonna be a long day.

Till the time I reached there, the fire was already extinguished. One section of warehouse was badly burned, destroying the raw materials for about one batch of the production.

There was a leakage of oil, probably Kerosene near the other wall of the factory wherein the power house is situated. Even a fool would understand that it was nothing but a set up. A consequence which would barely cost me anything in monetary terms but time.

The wall adjoining the warehouse with the factory was badly burned.

"Call the engineers and technical team as well. Make sure that all the machinery and equipments are in the working conditions. It's Thursday today, we will get the walls
repaired on Sunday."

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