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Raman’s Pov

Given that, how reluctant she was to marry me is quite surprising. Right now, my lady is clinging to me, her right arm is spread around my torso, and her leg is over my lower abdomen. She treats me like a panda. Well, only when she is asleep.
I could feel her calmy breathing near my neck. The position which we are in right now is our usual. Never in her right senses would she come this close to me.

I wrapped my arms more tightly around her waist and pulled her more onto myself. I feel like keeping her around my arms safely. I didn't really think that a girl would adjust with me. Yet here we are, together, trying to be a better partner to each other.

Before marriage, I used to be barely at home. Therefore, I was concerned about not giving enough time to my partner. But here, my partner is always with me. After confronting  Ashok, we had recently joined the office. That's another thing that she doesn't work under me anymore. After it was revealed that the money  was transferred to Ashok, it's wasn't much work to tally the accounts. Therefore, she works in the finance and accounts department for the role she was hired for. To spend some time with each other, we both try to have our lunch together in the office.

She amuses me. A lot. Coming from the South Indian family, she isn't aware of our food and culture. Therefore, for every dinner, she assists Mrs. Bhalla. If her procrastination won't stop her, then she would have been cooking breakfast as well. However, my wife is a night owl who has trouble waking up on time.  But I like it. Whatever I have come to know about her, it only concludes that we are opposites apart, yet compatible. I didn't expect her to manage the family and work together.  She supposed. My family for me were my grandparents and of course she is also a part of it, bigger one. Knowing the age gap between us, her support and efforts towards our relationship is another shock to me. She spends time with dadi and dadu, and also with my siblings. It's good that Simmi and her are best friends. Therefore, getting along with Romi and Rinki isn't a big problem for her. I know that due to me, she doesn't really try to spend time with Mrs. Bhalla, yet she found and took the chance to do so while cooking dinner.

Whatever was the fiasco involving Ashok, had been set out for a while. There hasn't been any damage from his side. Moreover, Papa had asked me not to involve myself much in this matter. Otherwise, I will have to resign. I know that he said it just to warn me. Not that I am afraid of his warnings yet to respect him. We are keeping ourselves away from this case for now.

Thinking all of this, I lossened her grip around me and glanced her before hitting my day.

Ishita's POV

I woke up abruptly. Shit, again, I am late. Raman had given me a lot of warnings that he won't wait for me if I kept on getting late every day. He is a Hitler. Khadus.

I took one of the fastest baths of my life today. Ascending down the stairs, I found him reading the newspaper on the dining table. How many times have I had to ask him not to read the newspaper while eating? Well, I will deal with it after 5 minutes. For now, I made my way to the Pooja room. I am not someone who would do a lot of prayer, so I just lit an incense sticks and do my usual prayer, just the way it is taught by dadi jii.

Please, God, give me power to fight this stubborn husband of mine.

Raman Bhalla, I am coming.

I snatched the papers from his hands and glared at him. He looked at me surprisingly and asking 'why'.

"Basic ettiquetes, Raman."

"We better don't discuss it. Is it the time to show up for breakfast?" He said, diverting the topic.

"Ettiquetes and habits are two different things. Moreover, you could have woken up me. But no, you enjoy scolding and punishing me."

"Wife, oh, you haven't been punished yet. Don't worry, I have taken care of it. You had reported late for a total of 8 days this month, in the office. While delays are allowed only 5 days a month. If your salary isn't credited fully, then don't complain to the HR. And why the hell Mittal doesn't scold you for coming late?"

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