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"Good morning, appa"

"Good morning, Ishu" he wished me back and folded the newspaper and kept in on the table.

I thought: He for sure, wanna talk to me.

Concluding, I took my seat beside him.

"Ishita, I am sorry about, yesterday. Your amma and I, are aware your dreams, thoughts and beliefs. But, you too need to know that we care about you."

He placed his warm hand over mine.

"According to you, you are too small for getting married."

I don't have any clue where he is leading to.

"Madhu, was 25 while we got married. Your grandparents never forced or asked her to get married. Although, they were little tough on me, when they got to know that I was dating their daughter." He chuckled, probably reminiscing those old days.

"You know, you don't care about at what age you get married nor do you care whether you love the guy or not or will you be having an arranged one or love marriage." And this caught my attention. Finally, I know where he is leading to.

"You are afraid of living with him." How our parents can see throughout us? Are we that transparent to them?

"Parents know how their child feels, Ishita, you were more close to me than Vandita. I know more about you than her. You are sensitive while she is spunky."

"I am sorry for yesterday."

He smiled. "You don't owe us any apology. In fact, I am quite impressed by your act. Atleast you know, how to fight back for yourself."

"Appa, is it really necessary to get married?" This was what I wanted to ask from him, since ages.

"Do you know the difference between living and non living things?" Didn't he just ignore my question.

"Living things can feel whereas non living things can't feel."

"Good." Thank goodness, I know this much biology. "And can you tell me why living things can feel and non living things can't feel? "

"Because living things are sensitive." I just spoke it out.

"Exactly, living things are sensitive. We can't predict their next move. All we could do is work on the principle of our analogy."

Now, again I am confused. Where is he leading our conversation to?

"On the basis of your hatred and knowledge of biology, I hope you know human beings are living things"

Didn't my father just make fun out of me? Well I can't blame him.

So, I just decided to nod.

"Since human beings do feels, they can't live their entire life alone. People do find peace at solace but not every second of their life. In the real world, life is like a game. In order to make it to till the end, one needs a partner."

"What about Robinson Crusoe?"

"He had nature around him. But, to your dismay, you prefer books to nature. "

"Indeed. I have books. I can spend my entire life reading."

"Says the girl, who cries at night, because she felt so bad for Harry Potter and his parents. More than Harry Potter, you loved his parents and cried for them. And not to forget about John Green's, 'Looking for Alaska', you didn't eat anything for weeks because you missed Alaska while reading that book." I have to be cautious. Why do you know so much about me?

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