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It's tiring when you relive the morning, simultaneously, over and over again, non-stop for, like, 2 hours. I open my eyes, manipulating peoples' minds so that they dream what you want them to dream is kinda tiring. So who was it that had powers, my friends, since when? Around the beginning of year 7, when we hit that age of pubescence. I get out of bed with a yawn, waking up is always as tiring, maybe more, than when you try to sleep. Throughout the morning in my house I calmly list the people who had been given powers, by him. Me included,
Jake...Tom, Lewis...Adam, uh, the girls; Lucy, Ffion, Hannah...who else? James..Both Euans, Oscar...the other twin, basically the squad...oh and Nadiya...yeah, that's it. It's gonna take a lot of explaining when they start talking about their lucid dreams, I turn to the clock, quarter past 7...A long time indeed.

I bade my dad goodbye, making my way down the path to the pupil entrance, I continue to plan on what I'm gonna say to the guys when we meet. On the way, one of the builders are in charge of the pathway in which the construction vehicles cross, he has a mug of what looks like coffee, or steaming dirt ridden water for all I could care. He left the mug on his chair but doesn't really care about where he has put it, he bumps into it and the mug jerks. It starts to tilt down, succumbing to the force of gravity. When the man isn't looking, I flick my hand and the mug tilts back to its original position, the liquid almost audibly plopping back into it. I continue to walk to school, nonchalantly carrying on my monologue to the guys.

Okay, here goes. I take a deep breath psyching myself for the inevitable disbelief from the general populace.
'Hey, I need to talk to you, meet me in the main hall. I've got an excuse, the teachers already know about it.' Is basically what I said to all of them. Some of the guys were questioning, I told them that I'd explain...dunno how but I told 'em. The rest were fairly easy, but Oscar was kinda late, which got me worried as the bell had already gone and everyone was making their way to lesson. I turn to the main stairs and catch the heads of the guys, I let a sigh of relief escape, I hadn't realized that I was holding my breath. Oscar. There he was, 'Os, you're needed in the main hall,' was all I said to him, leaving him confused but was left to be obligated to come. I made my way over.

When squad comes outOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora