Taste Encounter III

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Ffion's Pov
I look down at Lucy, her face contorted on fear. Like she was having a nightmare,
'Haha~' Came the voice, I found myself getting angrier,
'What do you want from us?' I ask into the darkness,
'Nothing...' She said, 'just a warning,' and she giggled,
'What is it?'
'That I'm coming to get you~' she said in a sing-song fashion, 'and you better be ready,'
'Why can't you finish us off now?' Ben asked,
'Ben mate, do you really want to die?' Lewis exclaimed,
'Nah actually, Ben's got a point, why?' Jake agreed,
'Oh nothing, just that it won't be fun.' She said concisely, 'I'm taking my leave, it's getting boring now,'
'Th-that's it?' I stutter, looking down at the silently struggling Lucy,
'Yes, "that's it", but do know one thing,'
'What thing?' Mark answers,
'You can go ahead and dream your dreams,' her voice was quietening, 'but the nightmare awaits.' And just like that she was gone.
'The nightmare awaits?' Hannah whispers audibly,
'Right, that's her nickname!' Nadiya quickly says, 'nightmare!'
'Okay, then.' Mark begins in a rather confused manner, I take my mind of that and tend to Lucy, everyone was getting back to their senses, Lucy began to come to, her complexion pale, but slowly reverting to her normal tone.
'It's happened in all the movies!' Nadiya seems to have lost it,
'What?' We all say, annoyed,
'The villain always makes an appearance! But even though they can kill the main character, they just leave like a rem!' She explains,
'You know she might be still here,' Ben observes, 'I mean, how did she even know where we were?'
'Oh yeah,' she laughs nervously,
'Anyway, let's go to Ben's house right now, might as well be in more familiar and safe grounds, hopefully,' Mark led, I take a deep breath and help Lucy to her feet, he was right. We all look around nervously and head off quite anxiously.

When squad comes outOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora