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Euan R's POV
Being able to create anything from something is fine, being able to help myself to those things is also fine but no gum in school, not fine. I grab Mark's attention a few minutes after that whole Ffion fiasco, rubbing my eyes tiredly cos of Oscar and yawning as I did so,
'Mark. This power of mine is cool and all, but why am I not able to use it in school? I mean, I can hide something like it easily but why can't I use it at all?! ' I groan,
'Eu, your power doesn't activate when the thing you need can already be found with general methods, i.e a shop or, or if it's something given to you. It means that you'll get it in the near future.' He explains, I frown
'H-how do you know that? I mean, you know much more about our powers than you know us!' I smirk,
'That's not true, I know about that thing in your room, under the bed, surrounded--or hidden by the other school books of yours,' he grins mischievously, I felt my cheeks redden slightly,
'How do you know about that?!' I exclaim, he laughs
'I didn't!'
'Aww, Mark! You made me give valuable info away...' I play along, a moment later he gave me a playful punch on the shoulder along with a cheeky wink,
'Come on, that's it for today, I'll get the others, you get your stuff,' he tells me,
''Kay bae,' I grin, turning for my bag--
'Oh, Euan.' He calls, his tone serious,
'Your power, it bends to your will, matter what, I've already said this to Ad, but, whatever the situation, don't try to resurrect the dead, I don't need you trying to waste your life away on a highly unlikely philosopher's stone, to resurrect people or for your own purposes. We don't know what will happen and what it will do to you or the person. Again, I can't risk losing you guys to your own curiosity or temptations.' I nod awkwardly, taking in what he said.

When squad comes outOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora