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Mark had finished explaining the basics of our powers, about how what we experienced in our dreams is real and the sort. Recalling mine, I had had to walk to school alone only to have a gun magically appear in my hand unquestioned and shoot the bullet of another gun's trajectory away from my face then knocking out the guy who tried to shoot me. Then that light orb thing appeared. Mark called for our attention,
'Okay, so you know who has what power. It's time for you to test 'em,' he was met with skeptical looks, he groaned impatiently. Rubbing at the bridge of his nose, he took a deep breath and suddenly spoke in our minds, this proof emough? I jumped, the only one in the group to,
'Jesus! Please don't do that,' I remarked. He smiled at me,
'Sorry Han,' he apologised, then he walked closer to the group, 'So? You ready to start practicing?' He flicked his finger again and the room just rippled, 'the room's in an adapt setting, it approximates what you do,' he put his hands forward, 'gun and knife please, John.' The two objects appeared obediently in his open hands.

We all began testing ourselves reluctantly,
'This is effort,' Matt groaned, then a thud could be heard. I found the source to be Jake, shaking his hand in pain but the wall in front of him had a crack about his size which quickly reverted back to normal. Mark came over to me and handed me the two items.
'You know what to do, right?' He asked, I nodded
'Knife strap please,'. I felt a tingling run through my body and a bundle of black material appeared in my hands,
'Ah, since those things aren't real, John just told your nervous system that they are,' he explained the tingling, I quickly attempt to wrap the strap around my leg under my skirt, I placed the knife into it.
'Okay. What now?' He gave a short laugh,
'You find a target, but use your knife first, physical injuries don't cause as much damage within adapt mode. But mortal wounds take mental energy,' He explained, then he leaned forward and whispered, 'Matt's power is mind control, since it's only that, it's stronger than mine.' I looked around the room to find Matthew making his way to Lucy, I feel a surge of adrenalin in my body and something else. He tapped Lucy's shoulder,
'Hey Luc,' I read his mouth, I grabbed the knife from my leg and spun it in the air. Grabbing it by the tip of the blade, I threw it. It wedged itself in the wall right in front of his face, Lucy screamed.
'Sorry guys,' I call, Mark raised his eyebrows,
'You knew he relied on eye contact?' He asked, I smiled,
'I do now.' I breath.

When squad comes outOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora