Taste Encounter II

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Lucy's POV
'Oh my god, what was that?!' Ffion gasped, adrenalin was pumping ever so faster,
'Guys, this girl seems familiar doesn't she?' Mark says aloud, no point in speaking mind to mind when she clearly found her way to ours. A pause,
'Nah mate, I remember now!' Lewis says as I begin to realise as well, it was darkening now. But it was still early,
'Wh-what's happening?' I cry, the park was suddenly becoming a darker place...and my least favourite.
'Adam? Fire?' Oscar asks,
'Got it,' Adam answers, we hear a click and a whoosh as Adam expands his floating ball of fire, he overshoots the amount of light he creates for a second but in that one second I see the silhouette of a figure kinda disappear into the darkness that came after, I scream,
'Who just saw that?!' My heart was in my throat but I suddenly felt tired,
'Lucy!' I hear Ffion, but further away,
'Luc!' Came Matthew's voice, even further away, the world, my world suddenly began to darken more,  but before it became pitch black. A pure of luminous eyes stare into mine.

I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I felt numb. cold. afraid.
I look around me, where was everyone?
'G-guys?' I manage to squeak out, I hear a noise that runs through my body and drives my knees weak, it sounded as though a claw scraped across a hard surface, I almost spin in a circle trying to find the source of the sound. Then came the growl, I felt the rancid air caress me. Looking up, I regret it. It was a huge dog like monster, black matted fur, and teeth as sharp as a knife.  I fall back and try to make my escape, but it was so big I barely made a difference, maybe just extending my life by a measly few seconds. It pointed its muzzle towards me and with a rapid movement, opened its jaw and pounced. My consciousness began to fade...
But before everything became pitch black...
I hear a laugh.

When squad comes outOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora