Neighborly Gifts

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Gem's Perspective-

Bdubs moved in and was placed where all the homes were North of the middle of the town (where Town Hall was located). Gem was excited to meet her new neighbor and had woken up to bother her friend and neighbor Etho.

She knocked on the door around 8 in the morning and she heard a groan.

"Etho! Get up!" Gem banged on the door and she smiled as she heard shuffling. Etho opened the door and glared at her.


At first, seeing a wolf glare at you would be intimidating, but as Gem knew Etho was really just a softie, she smiled.

"Come on! We're going to Nook's Cranny!"

"Right when they open? Why?" Etho grumbled, walking inside and grabbing his vest.

"Because they have limited daily items that may be cool and someone else could grab before us."

"Why do you want to look at the stuff they sell? It's just furniture."

"Yes, but we should get something for our new neighbor! A welcome gift, you know?"

Etho shrugs and Gem huffs, grabbing his arm and shuffling him out.

They passed by Bdubs' home and saw Seth planting some flowers.

"Already working on Bdubs' garden?" Gem asked.

"Yep!" Seth smiles, standing up. She always took care of the villagers and let them have their own small area and garden.

"You're a great Resident Representative, Seth. Always taking care of us." Gem gushes and Etho rolls his eyes.

Seth smiles and waves them off.

"Aw thank you that's very sweet. May I ask what you two are doing up this early?"

"We're going to get Bdubs a welcome gift!"

"Oh! That'd be great! Have fun."

Gem drags Etho towards Nook's Cranny and they walk in, looking around.

"Do you think getting a bear villager a bear plushie is weird?" Gem asked, looking at a panda bear plush.

Etho shrugs, looking at a fishing rod.

Gem huffs.

"You're not being very helpful you know. You can't just look at stuff for yourself."

"You dragged me here, I can get what I want."

Gem rolls her eyes.


Gem and Etho walked up to Bdubs' home and knocked on the door.

Bdubs opened it, sunglasses on his head and a bag with a towel and beach ball in it in his hand.

"Oh hey guys! I was about to head to the beach, wanna join me?"

"We actually have something for you." Gem smiled, holding a wrapped gift.

Bdubs looked surprised and he smiled, unwrapping it. Inside was a cookie tin filled with freshly baked cookies.

Bdubs gasped and smiled, "Aw, thanks!!"

"Of course!!" Gem smiled back and Etho handed Bdubs a fishing rod that had a rubber duck on the end of it.

Bdubs' eyes sparkled and he laughed.

"Aw, thank you so much! It's so cute!"

Gem looked surprised that Bdubs reacted so positively and Etho smirks at Gem.

The two were always trying to one up each other, and it seems this time Etho had won.

"Thank you both! I really appreciate this. These gifts and my new home and garden just really make me feel welcome."

Bdubs hugs them both and Etho shuffles away a bit.

Gem glares at him and Etho sighs before gently patting Bdubs back.


Later that day, she was walking towards the museum when she saw Etho and Bdubs fishing.

"So how do I do this?" Bdubs asked and Etho did a demonstration.

Etho stood up and as he got a bite, he started to reel it in.

His eyes widened as it pulled back and he strained.

Bdubs got up and wrapped his arms around Etho's chest, helping him pull.

Etho started to slip but Bdubs kept his grip, pulling back with all his mite.

The fish got pulled up and out of the ocean, landing in the sand.

"WOAH!" Bdubs shouted, a smile on his face.

Even Etho looked surprised.

They had just reeled in a big sunfish.

"Cool!" Bdubs smiled, high fiving Etho.

Gem smiles softly.

Seems they're getting along well.

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