Chosing Sides

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Olivia straps on her red boots with a frustrated sigh.

"Come on Trio, now is not the time to waste. The guardians will be there any minute now. We need to act fast." Marlene, Olivia's mom says as she puts her gloves on and stares at her children.

Olivia rolls her eyes as she gets up from the ground, her brothers Lewis and Sebastian stand up tall, and the youngest which is Sebastian salutes his mom.

"We'll meet you there... this can't be that big of a deal can it." Olivia complains and her demeanor changes as soon as her dad stomps into their living room already dressed.

Olivia immediately falls nervous as does her brothers. She nervously gulps as he gets in her face. "Is there a reason why neither of you are ready yet?"

"I tried to tell em, Miguel... But our little brat chose to take her sweet time. How pathetic." Marlene replies causing her Miguel to scoff.

"I will give you three 30 seconds to finish up... Do I make myself clear?" He eyes down each of his kids and they just look at each other.

"I said... do. I. Make. My. Self. Clear..." his voice booms and his eyes turn into swirls as he gets into the minds of his children making them feel physically ill and replying in unison "yes, papi."

The three of them swiftly move to get the rest of their gear on their eyes still swirling until they got back downstairs with the parents.

"See, was that so hard?" Miguel asks as he pats his son's head and gets out of their minds.

"Is he gone?" Olivia whispers as a tear escapes her left eye and he chuckles.

"Obey me and I won't have to go inside your mind Chiquita."

Olivia wipes away the tears and sighs. "Let's just get this over with."

Her brothers nod their heads and they all head out the door and towards the White House.


The family could hear the White House guards chatting to each other, and one of the guards talking about moving to London. Miguel inches closer to the guards and smirks.

They stop talking as the family approaches them and look at them confused.

"Uh, you're not supposed to be here... this is the furthest you may go." Steve says to Miguel.

Miguel laughs and looks back at his family. "I'm afraid you won't be able to make it to London after all."

Once he says that, his eyes swirl and Steve's eyes mimic his.

"Steve?" His friend asks panicked. "Hey stop doing that! Steve, Steven, stop."

Steve looks over at his friend then starts throwing punches at him and as if on queue the Mauler twins approach from underground causing the White House guns to go off.

"Took yall long enough." Marlene smirks as the big blue guys stand next to the terrible trio which is the kids.

Olivia stood next to the one carrying the machine gun, and rolls her eyes. "Weren't you guys going to come on land... not underneath it."

"Never trust the flawed calculations of a clone." One of the twins say.

Olivia frowns as her brothers were mesmerized with the two guys.

"Why do we always get stuck with the idiots." She says as she watches the two bickering.

"Let's just get this over with." Miguel states as he lets go of Steve's mind causing him to vomit uncontrollably as he laid next to his barely alive friend.

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