To be Sent off on a Mission

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"I can't believe you two went on a mission without telling me!" Olivia shouts at her two brothers who were bragging.

"Hey! You were too busy with your boyyyfrienddddd, and you never want to take us anywhere so..." Sebastian sticks out his tongue at her and she returns the gesture with the middle finger.

"Have you guys seen Mami and Papi lately?" Olivia asks curiously, and Lewis shakes his head.

"I don't think they came back yet from their mission. And honestly, it's better this way." Lewis rolls his eyes and folds his arms.

Olivia and Sebastian nod their heads.


William, Amber, Eve, and Olivia all turn to look at Marks empty seat as they all sat in the middle of their graduation ceremony.

William sighs, "welp, I really didn't think he would miss his own graduation!"

Olivia shakes her head, "he'll be here. Don't worry."

"How can you be so sure? They're going to call names soon." Eve says as she looks at Olivia and she shrugs.

"He took Lewis and Sebastian with him on a mission Cecil sent him on... Mark lost a bet.."

They all let out a chuckle, and as if on queue, Mark appears just as the last speech was given.

"What'd I miss?" Mark asks as he smiles over at Olivia.

"Not much... just the principal being all sappy and shit... did Sebastian teleport you? Awwww." Olivia says as she holds her heart pretending to feel touched.

"Yeah, he did actually. They honestly did pretty good... Maybe Cecil-"

"Nope, not happening..." Olivia cuts him off and he half smiles at her.

Olivia looks over to the audience and her brothers wave at her, and she smiles. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't surprised that her parents didn't come. She hadn't seen them since she lost her memory, not that she was worrying about them she was more mad at them for putting her in charge of two teenage boys.

"At least your real families here." Mark takes her hand and squeezes it, and she nods her head.

"I got all I need right in front of me." Olivia states as she leans in to kiss Mark, and it wasn't long until Amber fake barfs.

Olivia rolls her eyes, and Eve smiles over at Mark. "Way to show up on time Mark." Eve says and he chuckles.

After the ceremony, Olivia and along with everyone else finds out his middle name is Sebastian, and of course her brother loved that.

Sebastian immediately teleports to him, and calls him his twin, then gets upset because he never told him.

"Yeah! When were you gonna tell me your name was Markus?" Olivia asked teasingly.

"You never asked." He winks back at her and she rolls her eyes.

Marks mom runs over to Mark and Olivia, and holds out her camera. "Smile you two! I'm gonna have to show your kids this one day."

She clicks the camera and it flashes, Olivia and Mark pose at least a dozen times, the last one being her kissing his cheek.

"This one is definitely the one." She exclaims and they all laugh.

"What now... lover boy?" Olivia asks as she kisses Mark, and he smiles.

Before he could open his mouth, Cecil calls for him again. Olivia lets go of him, and he sighs. "Duty calls..." he says quickly then pecks her lips and flies off. Leaving Olivia and his mom together with their friends.

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