To be in Love

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"Lewie, are you sure you can handle me not being there for 4 days in a row? I'll stay on the weekends, and whenever I can! But do you promise you'll be okay?"

Olivia held her suitcase, and looked at her brother directly. He nods his head and rolls his eyes, "yes, for the final time... we can handle ourselves okay? And I'll text you if we need anything alright... Just, leave!"

Olivia rolls her eyes and playfully shoves her brother. "Promise you will take care of Sebastian?"

"I promise..."

"Good. Text me when Bass gets home. I'm sad I have to miss him."

"Okay! Bye!!" Lewis exclaims as he pushes Olivia towards the door.

Lewis slams the door shut as he kicked his sister out. "Ass." Olivia shouts as she rolls her eyes and speeds over towards the university.

Because of her powers, she was late to almost everything like her boyfriend. She already missed orientation, and there she was supposed to meet her roommate. Which she wasn't so thrilled about, she had no idea who she was going to room with, but she hoped that they were nosy or intrusive.

Olivia looked around the outside of the building and her eyes landed on Mark and his mom talking. She walks over to them, making sure not to intrude in case they were talking about anything important. She could definitely wait, especially since they would get to spend a lot more time together in the dorms.

Mark turns around and him and his mother smile at her. Mark walks over to her and his mother waves. She waves back, but Mark pulls her into a big bear hug. As if he hasn't see her in months, and yet... it was only a day.

"Hello to you too." Olivia giggles as he picks her up to kiss her.

"You look beautiful today, as always..." Mark replies, and Olivia giggles.

"Take care of each other! And have fun you two, no babies... I don't want to be a grandmother just yet!" Debbie shouts causing other students to laugh that heard her.

"Mom!" Mark replies fully embarrassed. Olivia laughs louder, and then grabs his hand.

"Do you know who your roommate is yet?" Olivia asks Mark, and he smiles.

"Yeah, it's William... do you not know yours?"

"I have no clue... but I hope they don't mind you coming over every night." Olivia winks at him, and he gulps.

"Every night?" He asks curiously and she nods her head.

"Yeah, I mean... except weekends of course..."

Mark and Olivia split ways as they go into their rooms, and by the time she shut the door, she heard a very familiar voice.

"Oh, hey. I'm- no way..." Ambers voice poisons the room for Olivia.

She doesn't turn around, and shakes her head. "I'm not in the wrong room by chance right?" Olivia states as she opens the door again and looks at the room number.

"If you opened the door... then it's your dorm." Amber says clearly annoyed.

Olivia huffs and shuts the door as she walks in. "I'm going to call who's in charge." Olivia states as she pulls out her phone and Amber rolls her eyes.

"For what Olivia? I know you don't like me, but you're not the only one who isn't excited about this as well..."

"Oh... I'm so glad we are on the same page. But I would say me not liking you is an understatement. You're just a jealous bitch."

"Whatever, thank what you want Olivia... Just, stay on your side and I'll stay on mine."

"Don't tell me what to do! I have no point in going over to your side..."

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