To Be in this Reality

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In another Reality -

"Son... I have a confession to make." Nolan says to his son as they float above the city.

Mark looks over at him, and listens.

"I didn't actually kill Olivia..."

Mark things for a moment and lets out a low laugh. "That's great news dad... maybe I can have my own pet."

"Yeah, why not." Nolan replies, and they soar through the air looking for the rest of the resistance.

Olivia, her siblings, and Eve all corner in their secret hideout, plotting their revenge.

"Angstrom were you followed?" Robot asks Angstrom and he shakes his head.

"The immortal led them away."

"Yeah, that's what Rex thought..." Eve states as she walks towards the two.

Olivia turns her head, and Sebastian teleports over to Robot.

"Just wait until I got my hands on Omni-man I'm gonna gouge his eyes out, and feed it to the hungry dogs!" Sebastian shouts as he mimics what he would do with his hands.

"Did you retrieve the null energy?" Robot asks Angstrom.

He pulls out a purple device, and they all crowd him. "If this doesn't make Omni-man have a bad day... then nothing will." He bends down then gets up as they all look at it.

The ground above them starts shaking, and Eve and Lewis immediately grab Olivia and hide her away.

"Stay here, Liv... you're our last hope to get through to Mark." Eve states, and Olivia shakes her head.

"No, fuck that... I'm fighting! I'm not going to just sit around! Let me go!" Olivia shouts but she gets stopped by Eves force field.

She bangs on the field but it was no use. "For as long as I'm alive, this will stay up." Eve states as she then runs off and Lewis follows behind her.

"Lewis, NO! Don't! Lewis, please! He's going to kill you, don't go." Her voice desperate.

Olivia drops to her knees as tears roll down her face. She could hear the voice of the guy who used to make her so happy, now she trembles in fear.

"Told you we were close." Nolan says as Mark and him dropped down to the hideout.

"Hey... Eve, you look good. Maybe if Olivia doesn't work out... you and I could be a thing." Mark smirks as he follows behind her.

Olivia sobbed louder as she heard him say that. She couldn't believe she let herself be so stupid. She begins hitting herself, and her eyes swirl from all the emotions getting to her.

Eve throws atoms at Mark, and he dodges them with his hands as if it was nothing to him. "Last chance Eve. You and your stupid resistance made us kill thousands... just tell me where Olivia is, and I'll show you mercy. Unless, I always knew you wanted me all to yourself..."

Mark flies up to her and grabs her by the neck, "stop this... or I'll stop you. Please..." Mark adds and Eve shakes her head.

"I'd rather die-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Olivia comes running out using her telekinesis with two concrete boulders in her hands. She hurls them at him, making him snap Eves neck, killing her instantly.

He looks down at Eves falling body and shrugs, "hm, well... I could always find another backup."

"Fuck. You!" Olivia shouts as she continuously throws boulder after boulder at him.

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