Chosing your Side

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"No! Let go of Olivia! And let go of my dad! This isn't you." Mark punches his dad up to the sky but this causes Nolan to drop Olivia causing her to free fall down fast.

Mark looks down and his eyes widen as he realizes her falling. He tries to go after her before she falls, but his dad grabs his hand and flings him across the sky.

Olivia lands with a thud, creating a small crater behind her. Her eyes close but her pupils were swirling.

"This is me son. This is really me. This isn't how I wanted to do this... but I didn't have a choice." He says as he looks down at Immortal and Olivia's blood across his suit.

Mark looks up at him and shakes his head, "why did you hurt her. Them?"

"It was for the greater good Mark... it's time for you to know where I really come from." Nolan states as he begins to tell him the truth about his planet.

"And now we need to get Earth ready for the Viltrum empire." His dad adds.

Mark sniffs and looks down at the ground. Tears stream down his face. Olivia looks up at them, and takes off her mask as she swears she could see Mark crying.

She reaches up to the sky, and Mark reaches his hand down. "You loved me..." he says as he continues to look down at Olivia.

"I wanted you to know the truth. But I had to make sure."

"Sure of what?" Mark asks as he looks up to level with his dad.

"Sure you were a Viltrumite."

Mark shoves his dad off him pissed off, "so if I wasn't, I'd just be another human to conquer? You loved me, and mom... I know you do." Mark replies.

"Do you have any idea how long we live?"

Mark looks back down at Olivia, and looks back at his dad.

"Son, Viltrumites age slower the older we get... you'll find many more lovers on other planets..."

"But only one planet has Olivia..." Mark replies sadly, then furrows his brows.

"Mark, by the time she is all old and wrinkly you would barely look a day over 30. And trust me son, you don't want to feel that heartbreak. We were made to conquer these planets not settle down. Don't you feel you can do so much more? Do you hear that voice in the back of your head? That's your inner Viltrumite seeping through. Viltrumite DNA is so pure, you're practically fully Viltrumite. You will live for thousands of years... and if you're lucky... you'd get 80 years with her. But I see now, I must eliminate that possibility."

"No! I won't let you." Mark says with tears streaming down his face.

"Don't fight this Mark... she's become too much of a distraction. I know first loves are tough, but you'll thank me in the long run. This isn't your planet, it's theirs... but we can help them. You'll see."

Mark stays silent, and his dad starts again, "I do love your mother, but she's more of a pet to me..."

"A pet?" Mark exclaims as his eyes narrow.

"This is the only way Mark." Nolan tries to touch him but he quickly moves away.

"Don't touch me! You can't threaten to eliminate my girlfriend then expect me to enslave all my friends? Do you think I'm crazy? This is my life, these are my people."

"But Viltrumite-"

"I don't give a shit about Viltrume. I don't give a shit if I live millions of years. This is my home, and I won't let you destroy it!" Mark cries out and Nolan only rolls his eyes.

Choosing to be Good | Invincible - Mark Grayson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now