Chosing who to Trust

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Sebastian ran over to Lewis room startling him as he shot up from his bed. "B-Sebastian? What are you doing here?" Lewis rubs his eyes as he looks at his clock that read 3 AM.

Sebastian walks over to his side of the bed, and lets out a whimper. "I'm sorry... I couldn't keep the secret. Papi forced it out of me, I'm so sorry Lewie. Please forgive me. Please." Sebastian completely starts sobbing as he tries to wrap his arms around his brother.

Lewis eyes widen, and he sighs. "Shh, it's okay Bass... I'm not mad, don't apologize. Lopez's never apologize."

"I know... but I am..." Sebastian uncontrollably sniffs every other word.

Lewis shakes his head as he grabs his little brothers head and awkwardly pats it trying to comfort him. "How do you feel? Sebastian?"

"I want him out of my head, Lewis make it stop, please make it stop." He chokes out and Lewis nods his head.

"Free your mind, let me take control." Lewis says as his brother looks up at him and nods sadly.

Sebastian closes his eyes and Lewis closes his shortly after. "Bass, what I'm going to show you will change the way you see our parents entirely. They are not good people... they've... messed with our minds for years."

"Aren't we bad?"

"I don't know what to tell you Sebastian... I thought the same thing, but Olivia changed my mind... we can still choose good."

"But what if I don't want to choose good?"

"Then you wouldn't be asking me to show you the truth about mami and papi..."


Olivia applied sunscreen on her body as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes start slowly swirling but she shakes her head once she hears a knock on her window.

She turns to look and opens her window with a smile. Mark floats on top of her bed, and she grabs his hands and go on her tip toes to kiss him.

"Want to go somewhere with me? Just me and you?" Mark asks, and Olivia shrugs.

"Why? Why now?" She asks, and he sighs.

Mark spins her around and wraps his arms around her as he looks down into her eyes. "I just, don't want to lose you again..."

"You're a hero Mark... and I'm here right now."

"Exactly! We're both here in this moment, now. So come with me, and stay in this moment forever."

"Maybe not forever lover boy, but I'm always down for an adventure." She says as she kisses his check and he holds her in his arms then they flies away.


Debbie crossed her arms as she was escorted to the headquarters of the globe with Cecil. She confessed to him that her husband is the one who killed the guardians, and Cecil already knew.

Debbie slapped him across the face and his face remained the same. "You're not going to hurt him. Cecil..."

He shakes his head and sighs, "we couldn't even kill him if we tried... but you know who could..."

Debbie's eyes widen as she shakes her head, but Cecil nods his head.

"Debbie. Where's Mark?"


Mark and Olivia soar through the sky together, Mark figured out how to help her fly. All he had to do was hold her hand, and when she started falling he would catch her.

They spin around in the air and Olivia giggles. "I'm just the luckiest guy in the world huh?" Mark asks and Olivia laughs louder.

"What makes you say that."

Choosing to be Good | Invincible - Mark Grayson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now