Chosing Forgiveness

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Olivia tried to sneak out to go to Alana's funeral, but Sebastian was ordered by her parents to keep an eye on her. Olivia texted Mark and Eve to record the video, and show it to her at school. She specifically asked them not to send the video, or else her parents would know.

Olivia glared at her younger brother as he eyed her down like a hawk. "Bass, why?"

Sebastian ignored her and continued to pace around the room while looking at her trying to be intimidating.

"Sebastian, I'm not going anywhere alright? You can talk to me, you know..."

He doesn't say anything, and from the other room Lewis can be heard shouting at his computer.

Olivia perks up as she thought of an idea. "Bass, do you hear that?"

He rolls his eyes but cocks an eyebrow at her. "He's playing the game without you."

"What game?" He asks, and Olivia shrugs.

"That game you two always play together. He's playing it without you!"

This was enough to cause him to teleport to his room then quickly reappear, but Olivia had already teleport proofed the room.

Sebastian teleported outside of her room and banged on her door. "Hey! Let me in! Lia! Mom and dad put me in charge."

Olivia chuckles as she pulls out her phone and watches the live stream of the funeral. She turns up the volume loud enough to block out her brother's pleading.

Her smile fades when the camera goes past the picture of Green ghost, and she sighs.

"Are you still coming tonight?" Eve texts Olivia and she bites her lip before responding.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Olivia then thinks of a plan on how she is going to sneak out without her brothers suspecting a thing. Because the moment her brother finds out she left, then he would be able to teleport her back.

She takes a deep breath then opens her door, only for her brother to fall into her room since he squished himself to it.

She looks down at him and he gets up immediately. "Woah-woah- why did you open the door?" He asks and she shrugs.

"I'm going to take a nap."

"Oh... okay. I'll just-"

He tries to shoot past her and she shakes her head as she blocks his way in. "No. I don't want you to watch me nap."

"But- mom and dad said-"

"Mom and dad said to watch me when im awake... they never said when I'm sleeping. Trust me Bass, I'll be asleep." Olivia sighs and he looks down. "Do you really want to be staring at your sister while she sleeps for god knows how long? Or would you rather be playing that video game with Lewis?"

He thinks for a moment before narrowing his eyes at her and pointing at her. "Alright, but if you try anything... I will find out."

She laughs at him then nods her head, "I'm sure, well... goodnight!" She quickly shuts the door behind her and waits a couple minutes until she hears the two brothers screaming at the computer.

She mentally smiles to herself as her plan is working. She quickly puts on a forest green suit in honor of Alana, and quietly sneaks out of the house.

Once she was far enough away she super speeds away, and her brother Lewis noticed her gone right away but shakes his head and says nothing as he closes the blinds in the window.

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