Chosing Friendship

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When Olivia woke up the next day she quickly ran out the door and tried tracking Alana through their telepathic connection.

Sebastian teleported to her as she got outside, almost scaring her.

"Bass, what are you doing here? Go back inside."

"Where are you going Lia?"

"I'll be back soon. I'm just... getting some fresh air."

"Can I come with you?" He pulls out his lower lip to give her puppy eyes, and she shakes her head.

"Sebastian. Next time, don't give me that face... I need to be, alone..."

"But you're always alone now... you never spend time with us anymore. We miss you."

"I'll be back soon, I promise. Be a tough roach alright?"

Olivia hugs him and he gladly accepts and nods his head.

She watches Sebastian go back inside the house, and she connects with her feelings in an attempt to track down Alana.

Her feelings take her to a hospital which worries Olivia, and she tries to enter the place but the doors wouldn't open for her.

She watches as people punch card in, and she quickly follows from behind them.

As soon as she walks in, guns greet her along with guards.

"Who are you. And what are your means to be in here."

"Hey, I don't want any trouble, I'm just looking for a friend."

Olivia walks towards one of the guns, and the guards all load it.

"Hey, geez any of yall have a mind of your own?" She asks and rolls her eyes.

"Do not take any step closer, before you confirm your identity."

Olivia rolls her eyes, and she could catch a glimpse of who she thought is Mark, and shouts.

"No way, Mark? Mark Grayman? Is that you?"

Mark and his mother turn around and his eyes widen as he sees her.

His mother narrows her eyes amused, "it's Grayson. And who is this girl calling your name Mark?"

"Uh, that's Olivia.. she goes to my school."

"You know this girl?" The guy in glasses asks him and he nods his head, "yeah, uh kinda..."

"See that's my friend over there, so..."

Olivia tries to scoot past them, but they stop her.

The man with them sighs and looks at the two, Mark shrugs and he nods his head. "Let her through, she's with us."

"Are you sure, sir?" The guards say in unison and he nods his head as he motions for her to come through.

She smirks as they part directly in the middle and she sticks her tongue out at the guards.

"See ya later robo nerds."

"You like this girl?" His mom whispers as Mark blushes and laughs nervously.

"Hey guys. If you'll excuse me..." Olivia tries to scoot past the three but the guy in glasses stops her.

"Ah, ah, ah, no. You are staying right here, and you're not even gonna say thank you to Mark for taking you out of the lobby?"

Olivia rolls her eyes, and fakes a smile at Mark. "Thanks Marky, for helping me out. Thanks a million."

"You don't need an attitude little girl, your parents teach you any manners?" His mom asks and she scoffs.

Choosing to be Good | Invincible - Mark Grayson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now