Chosing the Truth

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Olivia woke up with a pounding headache and held her head in agony. She looked over to see her parents standing by her side pretending to look worried.

"Wh-what happened?" She asks, trying to recall what had happened.

"You were in a coma for a few months mi Chiquita..."

"What? What day is it? What happened?"

"When we let you in on a mission, you got hit in the head pretty hard, knocked you straight out. So, your memory will be a bit hazy... but you got us, don't worry. Mami e papi will take good care of you. Make sure you're back to your old self." Miguel states as he pats her head gently.

Olivia didn't know whether or not to believe them, but she couldn't think straight, so she thought it was true.

Lewis over heard from his room, and gasped. He quickly sat back down in his bed as he heard foot steps coming his way.


Later that day Lewis snuck into Olivia's room while she was looking at her phone, he sits beside her bed and looks at her.

"You look rough." He says jokingly, and she let out a chuckle.

"Man, what did you do while I was gone? I'm sure it was boring without me."

"Heh, yeah.. I mean, I mostly just stayed in my room... how was the mission?" He scratches the back of his neck, thinking she was talking about today.

"Uh, I barely remember... but mami and papi said I was out for months."

This alarmed Lewis right away, and he thinks about what he heard earlier that day. "Uh... how's invincible? Is he alright?"

She sits up from her bed and looks at him confused, "who?"

"Um... your boyfriend?"

Olivia scoffs as she shakes her head laughing. Lewis inches closer to her puzzled.

"Lewie, I don't even have friends... let alone a boy friend, ugh. Relationships are for losers. Uh, no offense."

"Um, none taken... but what about Eve? Isn't she your friend?"

"Eve? Eve Wilkins? Fucking hate that preppy little bitch, ugh... sometimes I wish I could just smash her skull in and gouge those pretty little eyes out of hers... that would be nice." She smiles, and he gets up from her bed.


"Hmm?" She hmms in response.

"I don't know what mami and papi told you... but, you do have friends. And you haven't been in a coma for a few months... you just got back today." He whispers the last part and her smile fades and something inside her clicks.

A few memories flash from the back of her mind to the front, but the thoughts cause her to have a migraine. She starts pulling on her hair, and Lewis heart starts to beat faster.

Lewis breathing quickens as he watches his sister pull on her hair, and basically fight with herself mentally. The real memories and fake ones fight with eachother and Lewis decides to try and help.

"You remember Mark Grayson right? He's your boyfriend. You're Flee... you go against mami and papi, and you become a hero... I don't know what's going on Lia, but I'm going to figure it out okay? I'll help you remember."

Olivia's aggression worsens as very small bits and pieces of Marks dying body floods her mind. "Make it stop, make it stop." She shouts as she begins hitting her head with her hands hard.

Her eyes begin to swirl, and Lewis turns around as the door bursts open by their dad.

"What's going on here?" Miguel asks as he looks over at his daughter then his son.

Choosing to be Good | Invincible - Mark Grayson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now