Chosing Love

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When Olivia woke up, next to her was a brand new purple and pink suit with a note attached to it. "This should hide your identity well enough. - Cecil."

She inspected the suit and she couldn't help but to smile, it completely covered her from head to toe, this would definitely allow her to become a hero and not get caught.

She whispers "thanks old man." Then places the suit underneath her bed hidden.

She gets up from her bed and smiles. Sebastian teleports inside her room and he pants, "incoming."

Olivia stares at him blankly then her door almost breaks open. Her dad had kicked the door down startling her and Sebastian.

"Mami, Papi, do you need something? How was your trip?" Olivia asks nervously and her parents look at each other then back at her.

"Eventful." Her dad says and she mentally rolls her eyes.

"I'm sure." She thinks in her head.

"Sebastian told us you took a long nap... we just wanted to make sure our only daughter was alright." Her mom inches closer to her and puts her hand up to her forehead.

She snatches her hand away from her, and Marlene's eyes spark, but she breathes in and out and only pats her daughter's lap.

"Well, we are so glad you are okay then mi Chiquita. Maybe now you've learned your lesson yes?" She asks and Olivia hesitantly nods her head.

"That's my girl." Her dad says and he plays with Sebastian's hair even though he hates that.

Bass's expression hardens once his parents leave the room. He looks at his sister and folds his arms, "this isn't my fault by the way! I didn't tell them!"

"It's fine Bass, I know... you don't have to apologize."

"I'm not apologizing! I'm not weak." He says defensively.

Olivia rolls her eyes then pulls her brother into a hug which he resists at first then gives in after a second.

"I know you're not... You're strong Seb, and you can withstand papis control one day. They're just trying to instill fear in us."

"No, they're not! There's people out there wanting to control us, papi wants to prepare us!" He replies as he pushes away his sister.

"Seb, one day you'll see... I didn't see it at your age either."

"See what?"

"Our parents for who they truly are."


While Olivia got ready for her date with Mark, her parents went off to go find one of the Maulers.

Olivia poofed up her hair and applied lip gloss as she puckered her lips in the mirror.

She half smiled to herself and sighed as she grabbed her purse and headed out of her room. She tiptoed as she passed her brother's rooms trying her best not to make a sound.

Once she made it outside she super speeded to Paris up the Eiffel Tower. By the time she got there she looked at her clock to see how long it took for Mark to get there after her.

No more than five seconds go by and he lands right next to her, it is middle of the night in France meaning they had the whole tower to themselves. At least until the guards spot the two.

Olivia smiles at Mark as he pants, "I almost thought you weren't gonna make it in time..." she says and shakes his head.

"I'd never leave you." He pauses for a second then continues as he realizes that sounded desperate. "Uh, I mean, I'd never leave you hanging... like that."

Choosing to be Good | Invincible - Mark Grayson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now