Chosing Not a Choice

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Miguel and Marlene both appear inside the warehouse where a group of dealers count their stacks of cash. Miguel looks at Marlene with a smirk, they had about few minutes before trouble would come. So, they quickly revealed their positions to the dealers.

The first one who noticed immediately took out his gun, trembling as he pointed it towards the two.

"That won't be necessary." Miguel states as he then infects his mind causing him to point the gun at himself and shoot his brains out.

This alarmed the other members and they immediately draw their guns out and point towards them.

"How about some mind games? Hmm?" Miguel asks as his smile darkened and he immediately took control of half the guys in the place.

"We don't want any trouble... your fate will come soon enough. We're just gonna take the money and be on our way." Marlene says as she grabs 3/4 of the money.

She nods her head at Miguel and he smirks, "If anyone asks, you say it was a tough night... nobody came to visit."

The mind controlled men nod their heads in unison.

Marlene grabs Miguel's hand and they left the warehouse just in time.


"Invincible watch out!" Olivia shouts as Kill Cannon hits him mid air.

She narrows her eyebrows frustrated at the guy. "How about you leave us alone." Olivia says as she takes three cars and hurls them at him.

And as if that wasn't enough, Mark lunges at the man in full speed. "I surrender." The man breathes out just before Invincible hit him.

Olivia speeds over to Mark, both of them were in their super suits, and they high five each other.

"Do you think this will end up on the news?" He breathes out, and she giggles as she grabs both his shoulders.

"There's only one way to find out." She says as she forces him to close the distance between them and their lips collide.

Mark instantly like muscle memory puts his arms around her waist and Olivia's left leg angles as he spins them around in the air.

They look down to see a few civilians looking up at them and touching their hearts in awe. They look back at eachother and smile. "Now that's a statement." Olivia winks at him and he takes them both to their next destination.


The next day, Invincible and Flee go around and save the town together. After defeating Roarface, Invincible says "you're welcome." To the civilians.

They all cheer, and one of them shouts, "where's your girlfriend?"

He looks over at the man then on queue Flee glides down right next to him and he smiles as he puts his arm around her. "Right here."

The crowd cheers and she whispers to him, "I get worshipped either side huh?"

He chuckles at her then grabs her arm and he puts both their arms in the sky. "Behind you!" The same man exclaims as he points behind them.

"Huh?" Invincible asks as they both turn around to see an apartment building about to collapse.

They both look at each other, and they nod their heads. "I'll get the family, I guess." Olivia says as she speeds over to the mother and two kids.

"Sorry about your home..." invincible says as he tries to stop the building from falling.

The woman looks at the two in fear, and Olivia sighs. "That's enough small talk for today." With both her hands she levitates the family and brings them to safety next to the other people in the street.

Choosing to be Good | Invincible - Mark Grayson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now