Kidnapped Part 1

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~~~Magnus' P.O.V.~~~

How did I even get into this mess? Alec must be worried sick. I think as I look around the room I'm tied up in. The walls and floor were concrete, and there is only one window. Which is barred so I won't be escaping from there anytime soon.

My kidnapper handcuffed my hands knowing that without them I won't be able to use any magic.

The way I was kidnapped just keeps replaying over and over again in my mind. I was watching tv waiting for Alec to get home, when I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. I got up to check it out, but no one was there.

When I went back to continue watching TV, I felt a cloth go over my mouth. It had a sweet smell to it. I tried not to breath in the scent, knowing immediately that it was chloroform. But my kidnapper punched me in the stomach making me gasp for air. With every breath I took, I could feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. I soon succumbed to unconsciousness.

~~~Alec's p.o.v.~~~

I unlocked the loft door and called "Magnus, I'm home!" When he didn't answer I searched around the house for him. As soon as I walked into the den, I could smell Sulfur and immediately knew demons had been here.

I immediately called Izzy. When she answered I explained what happened anxiously. "Izzy Magnus has been kidnapped! When I walked in the loft I called his name and didn't get a reply, I tried to find him. As soon as I walked in the den I could smell that demons had been there." I explained. Somewhere in the middle of saying that I started crying.

"What? Alec slow down I couldn't understand any of that."

"Magnus has been kidnapped." I explained everything that I knew and she said they would be right over.

I decided to look around some more. I went to the kitchen and saw a note taped to the fridge. I picked it up and read it. What it said horrified me even more. I just sat there staring at it starting to cry even harder than I already was.

The note said:

'Alec if you ever want to see Magnus again you'll do what I say. I want you to hand over Jace and Clary or I might just kill your pretty little warlock.' ~Sebastian


Hey guys please don't kill me! Sorry I took so long to update. Please comment any suggestions you have and I might use them. Well that's it for now. *Walks away while dodging a knife*

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