Bowling Night

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Song is: The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy

~~~3rd person p.o.v.~~~

Alec was sitting on the couch waiting for Magnus to get ready. It took him about fifteen minutes to get ready, while its been two hours and Magnus still wasn't ready.

The two of them were going bowling, alone. No Jace, Izzy, or Simon to bother them. 'Magnus please hurry up. By the Angel your taking too long.' It's like Alec's plea was answered, because as soon as he thought that Magnus appeared behind him.

"Come on darling! Let's go have some fun!" Magnus dragged Alec out of the apartment. While Alec was trying not to fall down the stairs, like he did with their first kiss.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming, so you can stop dragging me!" Alec said as they got into the Taxi. Magnus got in the taxi first, followed by Alec. Magnus told the driver where to go and then leaned back putting his head on Alec's chest.

When they arrived they paid the driver and got out. Magnus was so excited he was practically jumping in excitement. Alec giggled at how cute Magnus was being.

They went in the bowling alley and paid for a lane and shoes. As soon as Magnus got his shoes on he snapped his fingers and covered them in glitter.

Alec chuckled and Magnus looked at him with a confused look on his face. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing" Alec quickly said. Magnus just gave him a look that said 'whatever'. They then searched for their balls, and Alec chose the heaviest one they had. Magnus somehow managed to find one that was hot pink with glitter on it.

They set up the lane, and Magnus put in the names. His name was Magnus while Alec's was sweety. "Really Magnus?" Alec said annoyed, and Magnus just chuckled. "That's it, your going down." Ugh he sounded like Jace.

"Oh, am I?" He said cockily It was his turn and Magnus immediately made a strike. It was Alec's turn now and he also made a strike.

The game went on much like this until the 7th turn when Magnus only knocked down 5 pins. The score was 176-163 with Alec winning. "You having trouble Magnus?" Alec taunted.

"No, the ball just slipped, nothing to major." Alec just shook his head and chuckled.

"Whatever you say Magnus." Alec said after making another strike. The game was almost over, and they continued to taunt each other. They were so competitive, it was like watching Jace spar with Alec.

Alec was winning by 3 points. When The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy came on. Magnus started singing doing anything to try to distract Alec, so he could win.

'Put on your war paint'
'You are a brick tied to me dragging me down'
'Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground'
'We are the Jack 'o' lanterns in July'
'Setting fire to the sky'

It worked and Alec only knocked down three pins, on the last turn. While Magnus scored a strike again. The final score was 214-226. "Yes, I won!" Magnus shouted while Alec was standing there glaring at him.

"Only, because you cheated!" Alec said.

"It wasn't cheating, I was just singing." Alec couldn't help but chuckle. They went over to the restaurant part of the bowling alley, and shared a cheese pizza. When they were done they got in a taxi and went home.

As soon as they got in the loft, Magnus put Project Runway on, and plopped down on the couch with Alec. Alec's eyes started drooping, and he was having trouble keeping them open.

"Let's go to bed Alec." Magnus said while picking Alec up. He brought him to bed and stripped Alec and himself down to their boxers. Then he crawled under the covers with Alec, and pulled him closer, so that Alec was cuddled up to him. "I love you, Alexander."

"I love you too." Alec said, and his breathing evened out. Magnus knew he had fallen asleep, and was starting to drift off himself. He was soon asleep with his lover cuddled up to him.

OMG! I am so sorry! School started and I had so many problems with my schedule, and I didn't have a bus! So I'm going to try to post another update either tomorrow or Saturday. I'm also running out of ideas, so if you have any requests either pm me or comment your request and I will write it. Please remember to vote and comment. Well anyways, that's it. Please don't kill me! *runs away dodging flying daggers*

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