He's Gone Part 2

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Song: The Morticians Daughter by Black Veil Brides

~~~ Magnus' p.o.v. ~~~

I'm tied to a camel in the Sahara Desert. Who kidnaps someone and brings them to the Sahara Desert? Because it sure as hell wasn't Sebastian.

All I wanted to do was sit at home crying my heart out. But no, someone took advantage of me in my weakest state. And kidnapped me. At least I know it wasn't Sebastian.

I look around me and see that there are two other camels. One of which is holding another prisoner. At least that's what I assume I am.

But the most stunning part of this. Is that I recognize the prisoner. And it's not just the sharp jaw and black hair. It's those stunning blue eyes. Those eyes that have been haunting my dreams. It's Alec. The second prisoner is my Alec.

"Alec" I call out to him. My voice croaking due to lack of water and my crying. I didn't think he heard me until he turned his head toward me. I knew he recognized me as soon as his eyes widened.

"M-Magnus?" he stuttered in disbelief. His voice croaky, exactly like mine. There was a spark of hope in his eyes. Like he was hoping he got it right. Hoping that it was me.

I moved to the other side of the camel so that I could be closer to him. And he did the same.

Now that I got a closer look at Alec. I notice that he has bags under his eyes from sleepless nights.

I probably look the same, with my lack of make-up, snarly hair, and red eyes. I looked horrid.

As soon as Alec really saw me and noticed that it really was me. He cried out in joy. And it wasn't exactly quiet either. "Shhh, you're going to get us in trouble." I whisper yelled pointing to the other camel. The one with the person on it.

"Oh, right. Sorry." He whisper yelled back. For the first time actually noticing that there was someone else other than me here. "Magnus, how did you get here?" He asked me.

So I told him the story of how I was kidnapped. Not leaving any details out. Not even the part where I was a sobbing mess. Or the part where Isabelle threatened to kick my ass.

Then his eyes got wide, as if he was just realizing something for the first time. "By the Angel, Isabelle, Jace, Clary. They must be worried sick. We have to get out of here. We have to escape right now." Alec started to panic and struggle with the rope binding him. Only managing to successfully make them tighter.

Then he looked at me with pleading eyes. Eyes that I would die for. That I would do anything for. Looking like he was about to cry, he stuttered out "Magnus, please help. You have magic, you must be able to do something."

And it broke my heart even more that I couldn't. I could do nothing with my hands tied up like this. The rope rendering my magic useless. "I can't," I said weakly. "I can't do anything with this rope around my hands."

When I said that he looked heartbroken. Like he would never see his family and friends again. Tears started falling down both his cheeks and mine.

I wanted to take him in my arms and hug him. But I couldn't because of these stupid ropes.

Then something unexpected happened. My magic flared up and burnt through the rope. But how? My hands were bound. I shouldn't have been able to use my magic.

That's when it hit me. Something an old friend told me awhile ago. The power of love trumps all. Nothing is more powerful than love.

I ran up to Alec and untied him. Then embraced him in a long hug. I crashed my lips to his, reveling in the softness if his lips. Savoring the taste of him.

God I missed this. I missed touching him, tasting him, having him in my arms like this. I loved this boy so much. I love my Alec. And I always will.

"Aku cinta kamu Alec." I love you Alec. When I said that he grinned widely then kissed me. The kiss was full of longing, need, and love.

He broke away first and said "I love you too Magnus. Does this mean I'm yours again?" He asked me. A hopeful expression on his face.

That was enough to break the last if the barrier that I had built the past few days. "Yes Alec. You are mine again. And I'm yours." I said then kissed him again.

When I was with him I forgot about everything else. It was just us. And I loved that, just like I loved him.

The person guarding us must have noticed we weren't attached to our camels anymore and came back over to us. He dismounted the camel and walked up to us. Then pulled off his hood.

To say I was surprised is an understatement. My eyes were probably bulging out of my head.

"Andy Biersack?!?"


Hello, thank you for being patient with me. I had finally gotten rid of my writers block, then I got sick. But I'm better and am publishing another part. But see, it all came together. But I threw in another random plot twist just for you. You're welcome.

This is dedicated to:


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